"The Dark Horse Knight, Famine!"

At the 109th sector, Alan stood atop the golden-eyed crab, overseeing tens of thousands shouldering their burdens, heading towards the fog.

Upon that scene, Mike, astride a black scorpion, returned, wiping sweat from his brow, "The earthworms are all harvested, and the seeds are packed. David is marking for the boss to show our direction into the fog."

Then, Christina appeared before them. She glanced at Alan, "Care for some company?"

With a gentle tap of his foot on the crab's head, Alan signaled. The giant creature lowered itself, extending its left claw to lift the lady onto its back.

Mike cast them a brief look, turned, and walked away smiling, thinking, "Alan's finally seen sense, even more so than the boss."

Atop the Ming family's mountain, 

DiGennaro directed the giant spiders to wrap the beehives for transportation down the hill. After which, she descended, holding a bear cub's hand, trailed by a group of small animals.