Collective enchantment.

Lined up in a row, the music from the vehicles in the rear suddenly burst forth, its sound waves powerful and resonant. Both warring sides were jolted, as if bewitched, and stopped their skirmish. The seven dancers moved gracefully, their dance—known as the "Siren's Charm"—captivating everyone in its range. Those who had intended to resume fighting now stood still, captivated by the bewitching dance. The heavenly troops, zombies, and demons were in silent appreciation, their eyes wide in fascination.

Collective enchantment.

Suddenly, the dance of the seven sirens shifted, causing the heavenly troops within its range to join in, their eyes filled with infatuation. Strangely, none among the zombies and demons followed suit.

"Keep your wits about you!" Napoleon cautioned the puppets under his control. "Remember, you are zombies interested only in brains. This beguiling dance is but an illusion."