"Slip me a few of those pills"

Your Foodie spirit gravely turned to Da Vinci, "You're not going to let rationality get the best of you at a time like this, are you?" Da Vinci returned the gaze, "I have never disappointed."

Ming was engrossed in his dance, finding it oddly exhilarating for the first time. "No wonder social dances are so popular; they really get into your head," he mused.

The Black-haired Pig Demon eyed the Red Siren and found her quite captivating. Though he had transcended worldly desires, he saw no harm in touching beauty. 

His excitement was palpable as he realized the siren before he believed she entranced him. "She's too young," he thought. "I can tread through a world of temptations without ever being entangled."

Ming was astonished that the Pig Demon had so profoundly grasped the essence of "Transcending Worldly Desires"—gaining advantage without incurring responsibility. A true art form.