The Attempted Interrogation

Serenity's eyes are glued to the metal weapon in the red haired girl's hand, fingers tight around the handle. Then she realizes what the question was, and shakes her head, black hair swishing behind her, "No!" The words rush out of her,  "I'm injured that's all."

The girl narrows her eyes and doesn't lower her weapon. Her finger rests on the trigger, wrist steady.

"Looks like an awful big injury." Calvin comments, head tilting to the side. 

"It's soaked in blood." The brown haired guy hisses out, gesturing to her makeshift wrap. He scratches his head, feet shuffling on the ground as he glances from his friend to Serenity. "Just fucking shoot her."

Serenity gulps, eyes remaining on the girl who holds her weapon. She's not sure what will happen if she pushes against the trigger, but she'll assume the worst. If the wound doesn't kill her, then she definitely will.

"Take it off and show us." Calvin demands, ignoring the sound of panic that escapes his friends lips.

Serenity swallows, if she removes the cloth, then she'll most likely have to replace it. However she doesn't have anything else to wrap around her shoulder. And leaving it exposed in a house filled with dust and blood from the undead will definitely get her infected.

Plus, she has a feeling if she asks them for something to wrap it up with, they wouldn't help.

"I can't." She says.

"Bullshit, she's fucking infected!" The brown haired guy shouts, taking a giant step back.

"I'm not!" Serenity's eyes dart to him. "I got stabbed by a large tree branch."

"A large -" Calvin cuts himself off with a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, "You really expect me to believe that?"

"What? It's true!" Serenity pouts, her lower lip sticking out. The memory of waking up with the protruding object sends a shiver down her spine. So close to beheading her and she had no idea.

"Just show it to us, yeah?" The girl waves her metal weapon.

"Watch where you point that thing." Calvin glares at her, ducking when the barrel is pointed at him. When the girl turns it back on Serenity, Calvin turns his attention back to her.

"I can't just-" She tries to explain, but Calvin releases an angry grunt and marches towards her. "What are you doing?" She backs away, only to be trapped against a wall.

Calvin pulls at the wrap covering her wound, and she cries at the sudden force. The cloth pushes against the injury. She can feel the warm fresh blood seeping out and tries to twist away from his grasp.

However Calvin is much larger than her, his muscled arm keeping her in place as he rips it the rest of the way off. 

Her shoulder burns, blood dripping down her arm as she cradles her forearm. She glares at the three of them, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. What has she done to them to deserve this treatment? 

Well, besides hit one with her baseball bat.

"Holy shit," The girl gasps at the sight of it. The tissue is pink and red, the area swollen and discolored.

"How are you not dead?" The other guy mutters as he stares.

"It's not that bad," Serenity grinds out between her teeth. The cool air helps with the stinging burn, but the pulse shoots down her arm. It feels like it's on fire, as if flames are licking along her flesh.

"If a zombie hasn't taken you, that definitely will." The girl says. Her weapon lowers and rests at her side, still focused on the bloody hole on the top of her shoulder.

"I told you this was a bad idea." The nameless guy says. "There's no way a wound like that isn't infected." He shakes his head.

Before anyone else can speak, the front door swings open, drawing everyone's attention. The girl is quick to raise her matl weapon again.

Serenity takes in the hooded figure, and she sighs in relief. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Zero asks, his face hidden under his hood.

Serenitys back relaxes, the tension easing from her body. She knew he wouldn't have left her behind. 

He steps into the room, the door wide open behind him. He doesn't seem bothered by the weapon pointed directly at his head. Zero pushes his black hood back, his other hand holds the strap to his backpack. He wears his usual fingerless leather gloves, and his black hair hangs in his dark eyes. His sheath is strapped to his hip, shifting with every step. He takes in the newcomers, dark eyes narrowing on the three intruders. 

"It's you!" The brown haired guy gasps, eyes widening at the sight of him.

Zero ignores him and turns his gaze to Serenity, "I leave for a few hours and you manage to get into trouble, again?" 

She bristles, lips turning down into a frown, "You say it like it was my fault both times." 

Zero pushes past Calvin and the red haired girl, coming to stand in front of her. "You can't tell me it's not." 

"But it isn't!" Serenity stomps her foot and glares. "I had no control over what happened in the forest." She snaps at him, momentarily distracted from the pain shooting down her limb.

"And what about now?" Zero asks, head jerking back to the three strangers behind him.

Serenity looks over his shoulder to stare at them and narrows her eyes, "They were here when I woke up. Unlike someone." She turns her glare to him.

"I had stuff to do," He shrugs, his pack rustling against his long sleeve shirt.

"Stuff?" She asks, her voice raising an octave, "What kind of stuff? Why didn't you take me with you?" She presses, jabbing a finger into his hard chest. 

Wow, he has some serious muscle, she thinks.

"You were asleep," He answers. He pats the top of her head and she glowers at him, pushing away the thought of his physic.

"Hey!" The girl snaps, drawing his attention. The weapon still points at him, and she shakes it, "You're the guy who left behind the massacre back in the woods!" She accuses. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zero says. 

Serenity snorts.

He glances back down at her and smirks. However when his gaze falls to her shoulder it disappears into a scowl at the bare sight of her injury. Turning back to the three strangers he narrows his eyes when he sees the wrap clutched in Calvins hand.

"Yes you do," Calvin glares, hands tightening around the fabric, "We saw you going after the crash sight. We followed you."

Serenity frowns at him, "And you didn't bother to help?" She asks. "Rude. We almost died out there!" 

Zero turns his back to the strangers once more and leans down to get a better look at her wound.

"It looks bad." He murmurs, voice soft as he touches the outer flesh with a finger.

"Ow, don't touch it." Serenity hisses at him. She slaps his hand away and blocks him from poking it again.

"They didn't hurt you?" Zero asks, taking in the blood that drips down her arm. 

"No." She answers, "Where'd you go?" She brings the topic back to him.

"Out." He answers. 

Before Serenity can ask anything else, someone else talks.

"Why are you with her when you know she's infected?" The girl asks. She still holds her weapon in her hand, eyes darting from him to Serenity with furrowed brows.

"It isn't a bite." Zero waves a hand at her. "It's just an injury." He pokes at it again and she raises her hand to slap him on the chest.

"Stop that." Serenity bites out.

"Bite or not, she's still infected." Calvin says. Zero turns to face them and seems to take them in for the first time, eyeing the metal barrel pointed at him.

"You wouldn't happen to have a first aid kit?" He asks, ignoring Calvins statement. Serenity peaks around him, head popping up over his shoulder with wide eyes.

If they had one, then they wouldn't need to go looking.

The brown haired boy steps up, but before he can get anything out, Calvin speaks.

"No." He glares, "We don't."

The red haired girl and nameless guy exchange a glance.

"Useless." Zero mutters. He looks around the room and notices her bat on the other side. He walks over to it and picks it up, then makes his way back to Serenity and hands it to her. "Pack up. We need to go." 

"Right!" Ignoring her exposed and throbbing injury, she jumps into action and starts for the kitchen. On the way she picks up a backpack she found while exploring the house last night.

One of the straps is broken, and it's covered in dust and lint. However, she figures if there's an apocalypse, she doubts anymore is being made. Besides, if she finds one in better condition, she can just trade it out for that one.