Are You Planning for Me

"Where's Lin Zhuyu?" Su Ying scanned everyone's faces again to make sure that Lin Zhuyu wasn't there.

Bai Shuang replied, "She said that her stomach wasn't feeling well just now, so she went to the back of that rock in front. It seems like she has been gone for some time. Why hasn't she returned yet?"

Su Ying glanced at the big rock not far away. "I'll go and take a look."

Su Ying quickly walked to the big rock and called out, "Lin Zhuyu, are you there?"

There was no response from behind the big rock. Su Ying walked around the stone and went to the other side. Lin Zhuyu was nowhere to be seen.

She took out a flashlight the size of a thumb and shone it on the ground. There was a row of shallow footprints on the ground.

Su Ying followed the footprints and walked towards an earth mound up ahead. Just as she reached the earth mound, she heard muffled cries.