All Destroyed Together

In the darkness, Su Ying heard rustling sounds next to her ear. She took out a flashlight from her sash and turned it on. Wherever the light shone, there were tiny black bugs that made her skin crawl.

The bugs were only the size of ants, and they formed a dense wall as they crawled madly toward Su Ying.

Su Ying knitted her eyebrows slightly. These bugs were pervasive, and it would be troublesome if they got into her body.

She tossed the smoke bomb out, turned off the flashlight, and entered her interspatial store in a flash.

She found a protective suit on the shelf of defensive equipment in her interspatial store and wrapped herself up from head to toe. Then, she picked up a flamethrower and left the interspatial store.

The smoke bomb temporarily blocked the vision of the person hiding in the dark. When he could see clearly, he suddenly saw an immense gush of blazing flames spewing out of the middle of the room.