If We Can't Buy, We’ll Rob

Su Ying furrowed her brows imperceptibly. "Where is he?" 

"In the room on the first floor."

Su Ying followed Number One downstairs. The moment they entered the hall, the strong smell of blood assaulted their senses. The room was filled with people who were either sitting or lying down, treating their wounds.

Number Two was lying in the middle of the room on two long wooden stools joined together.

When Su Ying went up to check on him, his breathing was already very weak.

An arrow had pierced through his chest, and judging from the position, it seemed to be extremely close to his heart.

Su Ying took out a dagger and cut open the clothes around the wound, carefully examining the position of the wound.

"Go and look for a clean and empty room for me immediately. There should only be one short and one long table in the room. Be quick."

"Yes, Ma'am."