Conviction, Exile

When Su Ying woke up, the first thing she saw was Xiao Jin sitting by the bed, looking at her intently.

When he saw Su Ying open her eyes, Xiao Jin's deep, dark eyes instantly brightened. "You're awake." 

Su Ying's eyes felt very sore and uncomfortable. She didn't have the refreshed feeling she normally got from a good night's sleep. "Why do I feel so sore and uncomfortable?" 

"You've slept for one day and one night."

Su Ying was shocked to hear that. She had slept for so long!

She rubbed between her eyebrows and sat up on the bed. She felt that her whole body was unbearably sore and uncomfortable. Just as she was about to stand up, she felt a hot flow gushing out from under her body… 

Xiao Jin's eyes darkened when he saw her suddenly stiffen in midair as she got up. He hurriedly said, "What's wrong?"

Su Ying stiffly raised her head and said, "It's nothing. You go out first. I want to change my clothes."