I Never Lie

Although Haiyang City was bustling and prosperous, it was not big. In less than two hours, their horse carriage left the city.

Mo Tu sat outside and drove the carriage while Su Ying and Que Que sat inside the carriage.

"Big Sister, where are we going?"

"Where does Que Que want to go?"

"Wherever Big Brother and Big Sister go, Que Que will go."

Su Ying caressed the little girl's head. "Sure."

There were also many horse carriages coming and going outside the city. Most of them were horse carriages carrying goods to Haiyang City to do business.

Su Ying took out the map she had bought from the bookstore and drew a line on it with a charcoal pencil. This line was the shortest distance between the Jin and the Chu States, but even so, she still had to cross more than half of the Jin State before she could cross the state border in the north.

"Do you want to rest at noon?" Mo Tu's voice rang from outside the horse carriage.