Hair Turned White Overnight

When Mo Tu woke up the next morning, he saw a hunting eagle that was half the height of a human beside him. He got a shock and quickly sat up.

Su Ying walked in at this point and straightaway grabbed the messenger eagle's wings and dragged it outside the dilapidated temple. When she came back, the messenger eagle had disappeared.

When she saw Mo Tu's puzzled gaze, Su Ying said, "I don't know where it came from."

Mo Tu appeared scared. "It's quite frightening."

The three of them had a simple meal of dry food and continued on their way.

Su Ying sat cross-legged in the horse carriage. As she munched on melon seeds, she said casually, "The Red Demon Sect failed to assassinate me this time. They will probably come again."

"Of course, they have to complete the task if they accepted someone's money to help him eliminate trouble."

"What if the Red Demon Sect people are unable to kill me?"