Give Me Three Days

The young man's eyes immediately became red-rimmed. Su Ying shot him a side glance and then led Que Que by the hand to move to another table.

"Big Brother, did you misunderstand something? Your younger brother here didn't know anything about what happened back then. It was all Bai Cha's fault. Everything was his doing. After Big Brother was harmed, he imprisoned me. When I heard that Big Brother had returned, I tried to think of a way to escape."

Mo Tu pulled his hand away without any emotion. "That's enough, Mo Qian. Do you think I'll still believe you?"

Mo Qian's red-rimmed eyes looked very hurt. "I know you have misunderstood, but seeing you safe and sound today is already the greatest comfort to me. But no matter what you think, I will do my best to take back everything that belongs to you, Big Brother!"

Su Ying took out a fruit from her bundle and took a bite. Crunch! The fruit was really crunchy, and every bite she took made a crisp crunchy sound.