Thwarted Just One Step Away

Su Ying followed the route drawn on the map and rode her horse all the way to the foot of a mountain before the sky turned dark. She then stopped there.

After riding hard for several days, her inner thighs were sore from the abrasion.

Su Ying jumped off the horse and took a deep breath. The tender flesh on the inner thigh was the most sensitive, and when it hurt, it felt as if a dagger had stabbed at it.

She secured the horse to a tree at the side. After making sure that there was no one around, she zipped into the interspatial store.

She took off her pants to treat the wound on her legs. When she sprayed the medicine on it, it hurt so much that she grimaced.

After bandaging her wound, she didn't go out immediately. Instead, she lay in the interspatial store and planned to sleep for a while. She wasn't made of iron after all. It would be a lie to say that she wasn't tired from all the rushing on her journey.