You Can Do Anything

The people escorting the goods all had sabers with them. They looked like they were from the armed escort agency.

Hiring people from the armed escort agency was not cheap. The fact that they could hire people from the armed escort agency proved that this batch of goods was very valuable.

Su Ying thought for a moment and then urged her horse closer.

To her surprise, just as she got closer, the people from the escort agency glared at her warily.

Su Ying smiled and said, "Brother, what do you do for a living? Why do I detect such a strong smell from this batch of goods?"

The man who had just spoken had a beard that extended to his sideburns and he glanced at Su Ying. Although she was dressed in green and looked skinny and small-sized, the man did not let his guard down. "Kid, don't snoop around for no reason."

"If it's livestock, I can buy some to reduce some of your losses, brother," Su Ying said.