Who Was The Real Mastermind

"He said that when such a major incident happened at the Aquarius River's new dam, the emperor was bound to be furious. Since Father is the person in charge of this matter, sooner or later, he will be held accountable. At that point, our entire family might be executed, but if Father was seriously ill or died of illness, the Emperor might let the rest of the Su family off in consideration of his own reputation."

Su Yuyan didn't want to die, and with Xiao Shihang's various flattering promises, she decided to kill her own father after struggling internally for a while.

Su Ying knew very well that a person was capable of anything to protect himself.

However, Su Yuyan had grown up under Su Yulun's protection and doting love. For the sake of her own life, she did not hesitate to kill him, her biological father. She didn't know whether to blame Su Yuyan for being ruthless or blame Su Yulun for his failure as a father.