Just Want To See Her Once

"From today onward, let them send the business matters to the residence. I am not feeling well and will not leave the residence for the time being."

Xiao Shihang really didn't leave the residence after that. He would occasionally meet business partners, but that was all.

The secret guards that were dispatched would also trail the people of Prince Jiangning's Residence, but they could not find anything unusual.

As she lay on the bed at night, Su Ying half-closed her eyes and prepared to drift into dreamland. In her sleepy stupor, she felt herself being hugged by Xiao Jin from behind.

Su Ying subconsciously snuggled into his embrace. It was a little cold at night now, so it was warmer to sleep leaning against him.

Xiao Jin's warm palm landed on her flat abdomen and rubbed it back and forth. Su Ying grabbed his hand and placed it on her back. Her period just happened to start on this night, so she was feeling a little uncomfortable.