Rotten To The Bones

  Su Ying told the Minister of Appointments to mark out the names of those people who were promoted and rewarded on the booklet.

 The Minister of Appointments didn't know what Su Ying was up to, but he still did as she instructed.

 After he was done, Su Ying took the booklet and looked through it. There were quite a number of people marked out in the columns, and many of them had already reached high positions. It would be very problematic to investigate them.

 Su Ying handed the booklet to Zhou Qing and told her to copy out all the highlighted names on it.

 After copying, Su Ying led Zhou Qing out of the Ministry of Justice.

 "Your Imperial Highness, are we going back to the palace now?"

 Su Ying shook her head. "Proceed to the Prime Minister's Residence."

 Zhou Qing didn't understand why Su Ying was going to the Prime Minister's Residence at this point.