Can Let You Devour Completely

 On the day Mo Tu and Que Que arrived, Su Ying happened to be on her way to give Lin Zhuyu a check-up.

 Bai Shuang had been accompanying Lin Zhuyu in her residence during this period. After recuperating for a number of days, Lin Zhuyu's complexion looked visibly better.

 After taking her pulse, Su Ying confirmed that Lin Zhuyu's body was fine, aside from being weak.

 "You are indeed much better, but you should stay in a warm place as far as possible before the warm spring weather arrives. Your body is still too weak, and you'll catch a cold if you're not careful."

 Lin Zhuyu gave her acknowledgment obediently as she did not want Su Ying to worry too much. "Your Imperial Highness, don't worry. I have already gotten over it. I will definitely take good care of my body and not let Your Imperial Highness worry."