Chapter 9. Miser

 Qin Nanyu watched as she busied herself while he examined Ji Ningyan's little house. It had one bedroom and one living room, which wasn't very big. Her things were all over the place, making the space even smaller.

 When Ji Ningyan came out with the kettle, she saw Qin Nanyu sitting on the sofa.

 He was very tall and had long arms and legs. He couldn't display his whole strength and looked a little pitiful.

 As Ningyan was thinking this, the man on the sofa suddenly called out to her, "Don't bother, I'm not thirsty."

"That won't do. I can't let you come here for nothing …" This was not in line with the way of hospitality.

 It was the first time Qin Nanyu had experienced water's hospitality. He took out the water bottle and put it aside. "I didn't come for nothing. You'd better hurry up and pack your things."

 Ningyan was startled. The room was so messy that a guest like him couldn't bear to watch.

 "There's no hurry ..."

 After he left, she would slowly clean up. Otherwise, leaving him alone as a guest wouldn't be good.

 "I'm in a hurry. It's almost nine O'clock." Qin Nanyu put his hands in his pockets, exuding a carefree and uninhibited aura.

 Ningyan, upon hearing this, revealed a look of sudden understanding. She took out the key and said, "You have something urgent? Then you can go back first; I'll take you downstairs."

 Qin Nanyu watched as she made to send him off. He frowned and told her expressionlessly, "What I meant was for you to pack your luggage and move!"

 Ningyan's face was shocked, thinking she had heard wrong. "Why am I moving?"

 She had just moved in and hadn't even lived here for a day!

 "This place is not suitable for a girl like you." Qin Nanyu's voice was low and concise.

 A hooligan was living upstairs, and he might break into her room one day. It would be fine if they didn't know each other, but she was his wife in name now. He couldn't just leave her in the lurch.

Ningyan quickly realized that he was referring to Blondie. She pursed her pink lips, then gently shook her head at him. "But I don't want to move."

 Seeing Qin Nanyu's severe face and sharp eyes, her heart beat faster. She couldn't help but lie, "Okay, I'll consider moving, but I haven't found a new house yet. I'll move in two days."

 Qin Nanyu had been in the business world for many years and had dealt with all kinds of people, so he developed sharp eyes.

 He could tell with a single glance that Ji Ningyan was lying and trying to fool him!

 "Do I look like I'm easy to fool? Ji Ningyan, I'll give you ten minutes. Hurry up and pack your things and move!" Qin Nanyu's handsome face was gloomy, and he gave the last notice in a dangerous tone.

 Ningyan could no longer continue playing dumb, but she still felt her head throb. She mumbled, "Then where should I move to?"

 Are you staying in a hotel late at night?

 No, she did not have any money!

 She may have been generous when she married Qin Nanyu with 90000 Yuan, but she was a miser deep down!

 Qin Nanyu took a deep breath and said, "My home!"


 "Huh?" Ji Ningyan was dumbfounded. She took two or three steps back. "Doesn't that mean that I'm living with you? But this is a fake marriage, so there's no need for that!"

 Her mind was still evident.

 "Are you leaving or not? If you're not leaving, I'm leaving." Qin Nanyu laughed in anger.

 Ji Ningyan hurriedly shook her head, then nodded. "I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. Take care ...."

 Qin Nanyu left, but he took her luggage with him. Ji Ningyan was half a beat too slow. She returned to her senses when he was about to head downstairs. "Ah, you've taken the wrong things!"