Chapter 10. She Ran Away

 Qin Min watched helplessly in the hotel as Ji Ningyan ran out, but there was nothing she could do. She could only calm down and call Ji Dongting.

"Ningyan suddenly felt unwell, so I took her to the hospital. Please comfort Mr. Wang. We'll bring Ningyan to apologize in person another day.

 Ji Dongting had thought that with Qin Min present, she could coax Ji Ningyan.

 Who would've thought that Qin Min would leave with Ji Ningyan?

 He felt guilty and bluffed to Qin Min over the phone. "She went to the hospital? What's going on?"

 President Wang was a troublesome person. If he didn't handle it well, it would likely be a disaster for the Ji family!

 President Wang, who was nearby, had long been impatient. When he heard Ji Dongting's words, he looked over. "What do you mean? You two, husband and wife, let me waste half a day?"

 Ji Dongting's face turned green and white. He also knew they were wrong, so he could only brace himself and apologize.

"President Wang, please don't misunderstand. It was an accident. It was a complete accident. If the child hadn't suddenly fallen ill, my wife wouldn't have rushed to the hospital …."

 President Wang didn't buy his words and sneered, "Is she sick, or is she using his illness to escape the marriage?"

 Just now, he had seen how much Ji Ningyan had refused to go on this blind date. He naturally didn't believe Ji Dongting's one-sided story.

 "Of course she's sick, she's sick!" Ji Dongting said all the good things he could and barely appeased President Wang. When he sent him away, his forehead was covered in sweat.

 This President Wang was indeed a difficult person to deal with.

 "The Eastern Court." A familiar voice suddenly came from the side. Ji Dongting looked up and saw Qin Min walking out from the corner.

 His expression was a little unsightly, and he asked in dissatisfaction, "Didn't you say you went to the hospital with Ningyan? Why are you still in the hotel? Where's Ningyan?"

 She was clearly in the hotel, but she tricked him by saying she had gone to the hospital. Wasn't this a joke?

 When Qin Nin heard the words 'Ji Ningyan,' she immediately became furious. Her face was ashen as she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't mention Ji Ningyan to me. I think she's eaten a bear's heart and a leopard's gall. She's rebelling against the heavens!"

 As her mother, she had utterly dominated Ji Ningyan. How could she have imagined that there would come a day when her plans would fail?

 "What's going on? What did Ningyan do?" Ji Dongting looked left and right, but he still couldn't find Ji Ningyan.

 Qin Min's face darkened. "She said that even if she had to cut off all ties with us, she would never marry President Wang!"

 Ji Dongting was taken aback and couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Are you serious? Were those Ningyan's exact words?"

 How was that possible?

 Ningyan's presence at home was deficient. Qin Min strictly controlled her. She knew her place and was as timid as a mouse. How could she dare say she would sever ties with her parents?

 "Why would I lie to you?" Qin Min shouted at him sourly.

 Ji Dongting was a little anxious and asked, "Where did she go? Mr. Wang isn't easy to fool. If you don't hand Ningyan over, he won't let this go!"

 When Qin Min said she wanted to marry Ji Ningyan to President Wang, he disagreed. A twenty-year-old girl marrying a fifty-or sixty-year-old man ... This was too unkind.

 But Qin Min insisted, and he couldn't win against her, so he could only plot against Ningyan with her.

 Who would've thought Ningyan would turn on them when they were just one step away?

 "She ran away; how would I know where she went?"

 Ji Dongting was so angry that he stomped his feet. He took out his phone from his pocket, only to find it was out of battery. "Where's your phone? Give it to me; I'll call Ningyan!"