Chapter 11. A Fake Marriage, Real Cohabitation

 When Ji Dongting called, Ji Ningyan had just arrived at Qin Nanyu's place. It was a 200-square-meter luxury apartment, elegantly decorated and in an excellent location in the city's center.

 Ji Ningyan stared at the large house in front of her, dumbfounded. It took her a long time to find her voice. "Qin Nanyu, your house is so big. This house must be costly, right?"

 She had chased after him because she wanted to get her luggage back, but she had somehow ended up at Qin Nanyu's house. Ji Ningyan was very conflicted.

 Was she going to live with Qin Nanyu?

 Qin Nanyu put her luggage away and gave her a bottle of water. He said, "Probably. It's a gift from an elder."

 These words gave Ji Ningyan a critical blow. She accepted the bottle of water, took a few sips, and then said with a hint of jealousy, "Your elders are so generous, giving out a house right away."

 Ji Dongting, her father, had given her a 100-yuan cake on her birthday.

 It was infuriating to compare!

 Ji Ningyan's sad little face made Qin Nanyu laugh. He curled his lips, feeling very happy. "If you're interested, you can take a look around."

 "I'm interested. Of course, I'm interested!" Ningyan nodded like a chick pecking at grains.

 Just as she was about to look around, Ji Dongting called.

 Ji Ningyan pursed her lips. On the screen was Qin Min's number. She still remembered that when they had parted in the afternoon, Qin Min had looked at her as if she were an enemy, and she felt a bit conflicted about her call.

 "Aren't you going to take it?" Qin Nanyu took advantage of his height and saw that the caller ID on the screen was 'Mom'.

 Ji Ningyan quickly hung up, not bothering to hide anything, as she said, "They must be calling to scold me. I'm not stupid; I won't pick up!"

 Ji Dongting looked at the phone that had been hung up, and the impact on his heart was huge. Was this still the obedient and sensible little daughter in his memory?

 She had the guts to hang up on him?

 He didn't give up and called again. But this time, it was even more brutal. Ji Ningyan had switched off her phone!

 After doing all this, Ji Ningyan felt refreshed. She excitedly looked around Qin Nanyu's house, then said with a myriad of emotions, "Qin Nanyu, you're a rich second generation, aren't you?"

 Qin Nanyu didn't know why she asked that, but he nodded after some thought. "You can say that."

 Although his own company was also very profitable, his grandfather and father were wealthy.

 Therefore, there was nothing wrong with being a rich second generation.

 "Then what do you do? How old are you this year? Why did you agree to marry me?" Ningyan felt that this was inconceivable. He was handsome and also the second generation of a wealthy family. There should be many people willing to marry him, right?

 Qin Nanyu glanced at her. For some reason, Ji Ningyan felt a little guilty. She cleared her throat and introduced herself. "Alright, I'm a student. I'll graduate in a year."

 Qin Nanyu already knew her age. He'd seen the marriage certificate, and only then did he realize that Ji Ningyan was only 20 years old.

 "I'm just an ordinary employee. I pitied you, so I agreed to marry you." Qin Nanyu replied in a self-deprecating manner. He was surprised himself.

 He had agreed to a stranger's proposal.

 Ji Ningyan blinked. After a while, she returned to her senses and looked at him, touched. "Qin Nanyu, you are a good person."

 Qin Nanyu was speechless.