Chapter 23. The Rhythm of Change

 Giant lobsters, giant crabs, and all sorts of other seafood were things that Ningyan, who usually ate in the canteen, would rarely come across. She might take this opportunity to eat to her heart's content.

 As expected of a high-class restaurant. The price was indeed high, but the food was delicious. It was completely worth the price.

 Ji Ningyan ate very happily. She usually consumed it in the canteen, and it had been a long since she had last eaten so much seafood.

 Influenced by her, even Qin Nanyu's appetite improved.

 The seafood on the table was utterly wiped out.

 Before she left, Ji Ningyan went to pay the bill. Qin Nanyu stood behind her, handsome and tall as a Jade. He was like a dazzling light, attracting the attention of countless people.

 The restaurant manager personally walked to the counter to receive Ji Ningyan.

 Just as Ji Ningyan took out her wallet, manager Li's eyes flashed. With a warm smile, he said, "Hello, Miss. You're our lucky customer today. You're the only one who's free of charge. You don't need to pay for this lunch!"

 Ningyan held the bank card in her hand, a look of shock on her face. She stared at him in a daze. "Free of charge?"

 "Looks like you're quite lucky. Even the heavens are helping you save money." Qin Nanyu's gaze swept across her beautiful face, and he didn't miss the excitement in her eyes.

 When Ningyan thought about how she had saved a few thousand Yuan, her heart began to bloom with joy. "I also feel that my luck today was simply too good."

 Ever since she was young, she had never won a single lucky draw. She had always only received a pitiful consolation prize and was famous for being unlucky in the circle.

She didn't expect her luck to change today.

 Ji Ningyan glanced at Qin Nanyu, thinking it must be his credit. She immediately said graciously, "I'll treat you to a meal next time!"

 He was pretty sensible.

 Qin Nanyu's lips curved up indistinctly, and he hummed in agreement.

 The two walked shoulder to shoulder, preparing to leave. Manager Li suddenly called out to her from behind. "Miss, please wait."

 Ningyan was startled for a moment, but she followed his advice and stopped. "Is there anything else? Yes?"

 Manager Li brought a box of beautiful ice cream and handed it to her with a smile. "This is the new product of our store. You can try it and see if you like it."

 This was also a gift? But why was there only one?

 She and Qin Nanyu were two different people.

 "Okay, thank you, manager Li." Ning Yan felt that since she had already eaten a free meal, she would naturally be too embarrassed to ask for another one. Wasn't this a lion's mouth too big for its good?

 She took the ice cream, thought for a moment, and then handed it to the man next to her. "Qin Nanyu, this is for you."

 Qin Nanyu pursed his lips but didn't take it. "Why? You don't like it?"

 Don't like it? That did not exist.

 Ever since she was young, Ningyan had no resistance towards sweet foods, and ice cream was no exception. She forced herself to look away from the ice cream, and with a look of determination, she said, "I've been on a diet recently, so I can't eat sweet food!"

 Qin Nanyu had a younger cousin who was also on a diet, but she wasn't as tall as Ji Ningyan and was also fatter than two Ji Ningyans. She had no choice but to lose weight for her health.

 However, the girl in front of him was petite and dainty. She looked thin and pleasant, but she kept saying she wanted to lose weight.

"Do you want to lose weight with such a small body? Do you want to be as thin as a bamboo pole?" Qin Nanyu's handsome face tensed up, and he stuffed the ice cream back to her. " I don't eat sweet food. If you don't want to eat it either, throw it in the trash can."