Chapter 24. A Feast For The Eyes

 Ji Ningyan's mouth gaped open in surprise. She had been making things up, but she hadn't expected Qin Nanyu to have such a big reaction.

 She looked down at the colorful ice cream in her hand. The food in the restaurant was so delicious, so the ice cream must be tasty too. The manager even said that it was a new product!

 Of course, she couldn't bear to throw it away.

 Seeing Qin Nanyu turn to leave, Ji Ningyan hurriedly followed him out, saying, "It's shameful to waste food. I've decided not to lose weight for now. It's better to eat ice cream!"

 Manager Li was speechless.

 He had never seen someone with such an indecisive stance.

 Ji Ningyan followed Qin Nanyu out of the dining room. The afternoon sun was blazing, and the ice cream was about to melt. She hurriedly removed the packaging and took a small spoon to take a bite.

 A rich and sweet milky taste filled her taste buds.

 Ji Ningyan was immediately stunned. She hurriedly swallowed the food in her mouth and said to Qin Nanyu, "It's so good. Qin Nanyu, it's a pity you don't like sweet stuff. It's better than any ice cream I've ever had!"

 It was just sweet food, and Qin Nanyu never touched it.

 When he heard Ningyan's exaggerated words, he didn't think much of it, but when he turned around, he accidentally saw her eating so seriously. Her red lips had a hint of milky white to them, and she looked so beautiful as she ate.

 There was a faint sweet fragrance in the air.

 Qin Nanyu had a ridiculous thought. He thought that maybe this ice cream was delicious.

 "Hurry up and finish eating." Qin Nanyu took a deep breath, suppressed the dryness in his heart, opened the door, and got in.


 In the restaurant, after they left, manager Li announced that on this day every month, a lucky customer would be selected for a free-of-charge event, which won the customers' cheers.

 Seeing this, manager Li was secretly pleased. The waiter who had served Ji Ningyan's table earlier came over.

 "Manager, who are those two people? You have to entertain them personally?"

 Manager Li snorted and leisurely walked out of the cashier. "Why are you asking about this nonsense instead of working correctly during working hours? "

 He would not tell this waiter he was their store's big Boss.

 The Boss was here for a meal, and as the manager, he didn't come out to greet him personally. Was that right?

" I'm just trying to provide better service, so I don't offend our distinguished guests next time." The waiter's eyes darted around as he blabbed without blushing or panting.

 However, looking at manager Li's expression, he was afraid he would not tell him the background of the two distinguished guests.

 Manager Li rolled his eyes at him. "What you said is better than what you can sing. " 

 "You're too kind; I'm just speaking from the bottom of my heart!"

 He paused and looked at manager Li in admiration. He flattered, "Seeing the customers' enthusiastic response to the free-of-charge event, I think our restaurant will rise to a higher level in the future. This is all thanks to you, manager.

You're indeed the head of the restaurant. I'm convinced you can come up with such a good idea!" The waiter patted his chest with an expression of admiration.

 Manager Li cursed in his heart. If the Big Boss hadn't given him this complex problem just now, how could he have considered getting the bill for free?

 It wasn't a holiday today, and he had only thought of a legitimate reason in desperation. Was it easy for him?

 However, when he thought of the big Boss's expression after that, he was probably satisfied with the result. He smiled again, remembering he had shown his face in front of the big Boss. His efforts were not in vain.