Chapter 37:A Robbery and A Estatue

A nearly bald and heavily bearded man was inside a bar inhaling heavily from a cigarette.

These two days had been extremely stressful because there was a masked madman walking around East Borough provoking and humiliating his men.

And that extended to humiliating him and that made him extremely furious.

The rumors have already spread to the other gangs and they did not hesitate for a second to take advantage of the situation.

In the morning when more of his men were beaten and humiliated, members of a rival gang were seen in another area under his control.

This was a violation of the treaty they made years ago and this could trigger a war between them.

Just thinking about it made him angrier and he grabbed the glass of beer he was drinking and drank it all in one gulp.

Before he could yell for a worker to bring him another one,someone stormed into the bar.

It was one of his men but he had undoubtedly run into the masked man.

The poor man had a swollen face, he had black eyes and cracked lips.

The man had some kind of strange garment covering his chest and crotch, it seemed to be made from the remains of his shirt and pants.

The poor thing staggered to the boss and handed him a note before passing out and falling to the floor.

One of his companions couldn't contain his laughter and laughed at the poor bastard in front of the boss.

This caused him to receive a bottle on the head causing it to break and his head hit the table leaving him unconscious.

Ordering his men to take the unfortunates away, he opened the note.

In there was a somewhat crude drawing but it could be easily understood, accompanied by a phrase in red letters.

It was a big man drawn with 3 little hairs on his head and a thick beard that seemed to be sucking his finger while touching the hair on his head, next to it was written: Your feet have more hair than your head.....

The 'boss' now only saw red and he didn't care that he had to break the deal with the police not to rob with firearms, he was going to hunt down that masked bastard.


He came out kicking the door of the bar breaking it and went to his base to collect weapons to hunt the bastard.

The fact that he had dealings with the police never meant that he did not have weapons. All of this was seen by a figure on top of a roof.

This figure was following the head of Blood Mark without him or his men noticing.

He followed them for a while until they came to an old three-story building on a pier.

The chief entered along with his men without noticing the figure that followed them all the way.

The figure was Adryan who was with his mask and coat looking at the building.

The masked man looked at the building and managed to see an open window on the third floor on the right side of it.

Smiling under his mask, the redhead moved between the buildings avoiding being seen until he made it to the right side of the Blood Mark's lair.

From where he was standing, Adryan could clearly hear the boss's shouts and how the members moved around and he could also smell the cigarette smoke coming from the open window.

Shaking his head, the redhead began to use the old pipes of the building as a support to climb up to the window.

With the bonus of the 'provoker' potion these moves weren't difficult for Adryan at all.

Arriving at the window, Adryan poked his head in slightly and managed to see one of the gang members inside smoking in a corner, he seemed to be guarding a door.

The guy had his back to Adryan so taking advantage of that the redhead quietly entered the building and slowly squatted down to the man.

His footsteps were extremely silent and thanks to the screams from below the bastard didn't notice anything.

Coming up behind him, Adryan reached up and lightly touched his shoulder.

This caused the man to straighten up and drop the cigarette and he quickly turned around with his back straight lamenting that he would receive a reprimand.

But the only thing he saw was a masked man in front of him and he waved at him.



Due to the surprise, the man returned the greeting but then realized that this masked man was the one who had humiliated them these two days.

But before he could yell for help or draw his knife he received a powerful jab to the jaw which knocked him out immediately but before he could hit the ground hard Adryan stopped him and lowered him slowly.

Shaking his head, the redhead searched the man's body and found some keys but nothing else.

Disappointed, Adryan went to the door that the man guarded and before using the keys, he placed his ear against it.

Not hearing anything, Adryan used the keys and unlocked the door before entering, grabbing the leg of the guy he had just knocked out and dragging him inside.

Entering, Adryan re-locked the door and tied the man with his tripwire and covered his mouth with his shirt.

Leaving that aside, this should be the boss's office since it was the only one with a guard.

Looking around the office there was a desk along with several armchairs.

Going to the desk, the redhead went through drawer by drawer.

In the first drawer there were various documents with information on the gangs in the areas and their territories.

In the second there were more documents but they talked about the police officers they bribe and their information.

In the third there was 600 pounds, this made Adryan want to laugh out loud but held it back.

But he also noticed something very strange...

Why would the boss of a weak gang have so much money?

His answer came when he opened the last drawer and found a small makeshift altar...

In it were candles and a statue...

This statue was that of a one-eyed giant hanging upside down on a cross...


Good evening guys Author here.

Guys I have a pretty special announcement.

And that is that this weekend will be a special of 10 CHAPTERS!!!!

And that's not all, every 2 or 3 weeks on the weekends will be another 10-episode special.

I hope you like this news and see you tomorrow.