Chapter 38:The Rap of the True Creator

Adryan's pupils narrowed and his heartbeat seemed to stop, the temperature in the room seemed to have plummeted.

'I can't be so unlucky that just the gang I chose is a True Creator believer'

But Adryan didn't care about that right now, the only thing on his mind was to jump out the window and run.

But before doing that, the worst that could happen happened.

The statue's eye turned black along with the red pupil and began to cry something black, then that same eye moved and looked at the redhead.

At that moment all thought left his head and his instincts took control and he ran to the window.

But despite his great speed he was still too slow.

A mouth formed under the statue's eye and it opened.

Adryan collapsed halfway down, blood pouring from every orifice on his face.

The redhead put his hands over his ears as he began to scream.

He wasn't the only one because the man he tied up was also writhing on the ground like crazy while blood fell from all the orifices on his face.

Adryan's breathing became rough and his vision blurred, but he managed to see how the windows of the room were covered by shadows making his escape impossible.

The True Creator's ravings covered the entire room, it was a dark and crazy voice that seemed to speak all languages ​​and contained a never ending madness.

Adryan even managed to recognize Portuguese, English,Spanish and Russian among the ravings...

The ravings also contain information that was about many things: rituals, elaboration of talismans, potions, acting method,lenguages...

Trying to do something Adryan tried to use the same idea as Klein and use the sefirot as a shield against the ravings.

Closing his bloody eyes, Adryan began to rapidly outline the sphere of light but before he could complete it the ravings grew louder and contained even more information.

This time it was about the hidden story, gods and starry sky....

A shadow began to spread through Adryan's body that made him tremble but he bit his lips hard until he drew blood and tried to outline the sphere of light again.

Slowly the City of Calamities began to appear and Adrien found himself inside and the shadow that wrapped his body disappeared, being 'cleansed' by the sefirot.

The redhead was on his knees holding his head because the ravings transmitted too much information and he was using the healing ability of the City of Calamities to accommodate it and blood kept dripping from the orifices on his face while his eyes slowly changed color.....

Outside things were not so good, the tied man who was with Adryan kept writhing and screaming as a shadow enveloped him, his skin began to split open giving way to mouths with sharp teeth as his eyes exploded and a large red eye appeared in his forehead but the man did not survive the transformation process and died while becoming a monster.

The shadow of the room then began to extend to the exterior corridor, then to the stairs and thus it continued to envelop the entire building making escape impossible.

The ravings of the True Creator sounded throughout the entire building causing all the people inside to change.

All the members that were inside the building began to transform just like the man in the office and just like him they couldn't stand the transformation.

But something was happening in the lower part where the largest number of members were together.

After a long while the ravings stopped and the statue's eye and mouth closed causing the statue to break into pieces.

After another while the masked Adryan slowly got up.

The redhead took out a revolver and pointed it at the statue, but seeing that it was broken, Adryan could only sigh.

But then he looked at the transformed body of the man, this made him aim his revolver and shoot him in the head.

As he was about to fire the second shot, Adryan realized that he was just a hideously mutated corpse and not a living monster.

This made him sigh in relief and when he took a better look at this hideous body he found a disgusting resemblance to some monsters from Resident Evil.

Thinking of Birkin from RE2, the redhead shook his head vigorously and changing the bullet he had just fired for a new one, pointed to the door as he slowly approached the window...

The shot and the ravings must have alerted everyone in the building so...

Why hadn't anyone come?...

When trying to get out of the building through the window, the only thing Adryan found was that it wouldn't open and when he tried to break it, it didn't work either...

After the fifth blow with all his might and seeing that the window showed no sign of giving way, Adryan looked towards the door.....

Unlocking the door with the keys Adryan slowly opened the door and could see the empty hallway.

Taking a breath, the redhead began to move slowly through the silent corridor...

Adryan could no longer hear anyone in the whole building, he could only smell the same smell as in the office and that was blood...

The smell of blood was too strong...

Holding the revolver tighter, Adryan went down to the second floor and found several bodies in the same condition as the one in the office...

He tried using the second floor windows but still, they all seemed sealed and impossible to break.

Realizing that he would have to keep going down, the redhead simply cursed several times in his head…..

When he went down to the first floor, Adryan was very surprised that there was no body but he could still smell the blood and could see it covering a large part of it on the floor, again the windows didn't work....

Seeing the stairs to the ground floor, Adryan moved incredibly slowly....

The ground floor had the strongest smell of blood of all the floors and it was the most dark.....