Chapter 39:The hell floor

When Adryan went down to the ground floor, he could see how there were only a few lamps on, causing the shadows to envelop a large part of it.

From what little Adryan could see, it appeared to be a warehouse with some boxes along the sides.

The floor was covered in blood and gore but the same problem as before was happening that made Adryan's heart race....

Where the fuck were the bodies?..

Suddenly a cold sweat broke out on his body and the redhead rolled forwards.

In the place where he was, a huge thing came out of the shadows behind him and raised its huge arm and gave a powerful blow there causing a crater to form...

This thing looked like a disgusting fusion between many bodies, the thing was red and had no skin which allowed Adryan to see the disgusting squirming muscles of this thing.

It had mouths with sharp teeth all over its body as well as huge red eyes looking everywhere.

He had a huge right arm that seemed to be made from the fusion of two people and his legs were very small compared to his body.

It seemed to rise up to 4.00 meters and just because the ground floor was a warehouse it could even stand up but those legs could barely support its weight and seemed covered by shadows....

Adryan was disgusted as this thing looked like Birkin's stage 3.5 before it lost its human appearance...

Cursing loudly, the redhead shot two of this thing's eyes causing them to explode in black blood and this thing let out a scream made up of different people's voices.

Then this thing hid in the shadows again...

The floor fell silent and Adryan moved quickly to one of the lamps to avoid being surrounded by shadows.

There were only 4 other lamps to illuminate this floor but the situation meant that these were not enough.

The same cold sweat ran down his back, and this time Adryan jumped to the left.

From the shadow of one of the boxes that thing jumped and pounced towards where he was.

Adryan quickly shot another 2 eyes on the back of this thing.

Giving another scream the thing jumped into the shadows again and disappeared again...

Before Adryan could brace himself the thing came out of the shadows beside him and landed a blow on him, throwing him across the room causing him to crash into multiple boxes.

Adryan coughed up blood and felt that it was hard for him to breathe, it seemed that that thing broke a rib...

Adryan then saw that he was covered in something clear and strong-smelling...

'ALCOHOL' opening his eyes an idea came to his head but before he could do anything else, the thing appeared again from the shadows and lowered its huge arm towards him.

Barely managing to dodge, Adryan could see how the box was destroyed and the bottles that were inside were destroyed, making them cover the thing but that seemed to care little for it.

Hitting his last bullet in another eye, the thing hid in the shadows again.

It seemed that several boxes were filled with bottles of alcohol....

Having a better plan, Adryan quickly moved to one of the other boxes.

Emptying his revolver, Adryan quickly reloaded it and waited for the bastard.

He didn't have to wait long as that thing reappeared and launched towards him. Adryan jumped hard to the right and the thing crashed into the alcohol box, being even more covered by this liquid...

Adryan moved back to another box as he fired 3 shots at the thing.

It followed him and hit using the long reach of its arm, Adryan dodged again and the thing broke another box again.

The only reason Adryan could move like that was because 'hunter' pathway increased the body's resistance and being sequence 8, the redhead could tolerate having a broken rib but he couldn't go on like this all day.

He only had 9 bullets left including the ones in the revolver.

The bullets he had didn't seem to do anything to it so Adryan decided to go for a more classic option.

He lunged for one of the lamps but before he could reach it the thing threw one of the boxes at him forcing him to dodge.

This box crashed into the lamp causing it to break and ignite the alcohol on the floor...

There were only 3 lamps left now...

The fire spread very quickly....

There was good news and bad news, the good news was that now that thing had less room to move in the shadows but the bad news was that the fire wouldn't take long to cover the entire floor.

Adryan was running out of time and he had to find a way to kill that thing before it killed him.

The thing tried to move into the shadows again but due to the fire that lit up much of the warehouse it seemed to take much longer to enter the shadows.

Seeing the opportunity, the redhead took advantage of it and ran towards another of the lamps...

As soon as Adryan managed to reach the lamp, the thing managed to enter the shadows, all this took 7 seconds.

The fire was now engulfing the entire right wall of the warehouse going up to the ceiling making the warehouse look like a scene from hell because of all the blood in the place and how Adryan was holding the lamp in the middle of all this....

There were still several shadows but the thing didn't seem to want to come out.

Adryan coughed a little and thought that what the thing was doing made a lot of sense.

It might be a monster but it was a monster born from the Hanged Man's ravings so it would be afraid of fire.

Now Adryan had to get it out...

Unfortunately for the monster whatever was keeping them locked up still worked because no windows were broken or affected and it was also up against a crazy bastard with the ability to 'provoke' beasts with no reason...