SORRY>.< ... This isn't a new chapter but please read it through!

Hello everyone! I am the author, Minyi! I used to write under the name Suii but decided to change the name last year. Sorry if the updates are slow as I have been struggling with my health mentally and physically. Some incidents happened in my personal life and it had impacted on all of the things that I did. If you had read my previous story, that was at least 2 years ago and since then I actually struggled making a new story that is fresh and yet good to read. Then, incidents happened which actually slowed down what I wanted to make hence the slow updates and the not so entertaining volume at the moment. So, this chapter is here to clear out some doubts of the novel...

Why aren't there love scenes yet? I am here for the love scenes...TT

Well to answer that question, my mine focus for this novel is how the main character is such a fool in love and how things made her believe that love is fake. I am currently writing the first volume for this novel, which is Before Love. So, it will include some sad scenes. I have included a little bit of my life in this novel which is different from the first novel that I wrote. This has a little bit more of my personal touch in it. So, do expect that the lovey dovey parts to be coming later.

When will you be uploading? You have not uploaded in awhile...

I will try my best to upload from now onwards. I actually want to twist the story a little bit soon so that you and I will have a fun time writing and reading. If I have to be honest, I don't really like writing sad scenes which kind of reflects in main character, Han Ai Yue, in this novel. The female lead in my previous novel, Qi Qing Shan, was more of a bold person which I am not in real life. So, this book is something of like a biography but a little more dramatized. I will try my very best to stick to my previous schedule of uploading on every Saturday. If I can upload even more, I will update everyone through the novel itself.

Writing is a journey and I wish to write a book that is good and memorable. It hasn't been easy writing this book as I experience so many changes in my life but I hope that through this book, I can convey a message of not having to rush to be in love. It is okay to take it slow, just like Ai Yue here. With the media pushing the idea of falling in love and finding the one, I would assume a lot of us having the anxiety of not meeting the one yet, because I am also one of those people who have this anxiety. So, through this book, I want to let everyone know that, it's okay to not fall in love, it's okay not to find the one, so long as we are true to ourselves, that's what matters.