Chapter 76

The night was darker than usual. The streetlights cast dim yellow cones on the quiet streets below. There was not enough electricity in the world to banish the dark atmosphere. The moon was nowhere in sight and even the stars seemed more distant and faint. The darkness seemed to have an effect on the people of the Western Cape as they were all hiding in their homes where things were much safer than in the unknown except for a few...

There was a gathering in an old abandoned warehouse that had been hidden away from mankind for many years. It was a project that had gone south due to the lack of funds. The warehouse was large with rusted corrugated zinc plates that served as walls with large windows sitting high. To the north, it had a large entrance. The warehouse had thick solid concrete reinforcements around the edges. To the one side were some steps descending to a large hole in the middle where a large fire was burning causing shadows to dance on the walls. A stone bed protruded next to the fire which was more like an altar. It probably had a different use when the warehouse was erected, but it had been used for far sinister things ever since without the knowledge of the West Coast residents.

Numbers was sitting next to the fire with Victor and the rest. They were joined by many others, a crowd of over a hundred strong. They all wore black which made it hard to see these creatures of the night. They all had grim expressions flashing on the edge of the flames. Some had pale white paint on their faces in the form of skulls while others had red pentagrams painted on their cheeks and foreheads. Many people had been sacrificed in the warehouse over the past few years, which the owner of the land was unaware of. After the collapse of the project, the land had been forsaken, giving birth to such atrociousness.

There were many shallow graves around the warehouse of the poor souls who have been reported missing, lost and never found again. The Satanists made sure their secret gathering place was never found, by cleaning up the warehouse after their rituals, getting rid of all their traces which might otherwise have raised suspicion. The only traces left behind were the pentagrams painted on the walls as well as inverted crosses. No one would ever imagine the dark stains against the wall to be dried blood. Even if someone ever found out about their gathering place, they would certainly be dealt with before the word got out.

On the far end of the floor, a large pentagram had been drawn. Yellow candles were placed on each corner lighting it up. On the wall just above, another pentagram had been drawn with thick black lines.

The fire raged higher as the flames burned bright. There was a presence of power. They could all feel it in the air and all around. It was stronger than they have ever felt it before. They all looked around, unsure where the sudden change came from, but it gave them a sense of empowerment at the same time.

Numbers breathed deeply taking it all in. 'It's coming. It's here already,' he said staring at the flames. He got up and started walking towards the pentagram drawn on the floor. The rest of the crowd followed him like sheep. In the dark behind the pentagram, he could see two faces in the flashes of the candlelight. One was a beautiful female familiar to him. Next to her a large man holding a crooked staff. He regarded them with dark eyes.

'You have come my children,' Hecate said, stretching out her arms in front of her. 'Fear no more for tonight is the beginning of the end for those who oppose us. We will destroy the disease for what they are. I know you've been waiting for this to happen for a long time.' She paused regarding them with dark eyes. 'I also know you were waiting for the signs that marked such a time. The time has come, and it is here tonight.' The crowd looked at each other in confusion at the new stranger in their cult. 'For those who do not know me, I am called Hecate by my master Satan. I am the protector of witches and witchcraft. I have come here tonight to assist Mormo, king of the Ghouls, snatcher of bodies and souls.'

When Mormo stepped forward, his face was visible as a grim mask. 'We have a great battle ahead of us and we need to stand together.' His eyes were glowing with bright yellow before they went black again. 'I was sent here by Satan to slay a power far greater than you can imagine, a power great enough to destroy us if we don't take caution.'

Mormo heard a mass of distortion as the crowd started talking to each other. Some showed excitement whereas others were reluctant to what was being said by total strangers.

Mormo interrupted the chaos that erupted amongst the crowd with a demonic voice. 'Now, I know that some of you do not trust in the power given to me by Satan, but perhaps I can prove to you that the power within me is greater than you have ever seen before. Shall we ask for a volunteer? Come forth chosen one. I will assure you great power in the pits of hell,' he lied.

Numbers shouted to one of the young fellas to step forward. The young skinny man in his early twenties stepped forward reluctantly eyeing Mormo and Hecate.

'Herewith I pledge my loyalty to serve my master. I will give myself willingly as an offering to his greatness.' The young man said.

'Very good,' Mormo said. 'I can assure you that your master will be very pleased.' Mormo lifted his hands up in the air and spoke an ancient language the crowd could not understand. Moments later the young fellow started levitating about six feet in the air. His body started turning slowly as he screamed in agony. Mormo grinned and stretched out his arms.

Demons were visible now. They moved through the young fellow's body. Each time they moved through him, parts of his body disintegrated and dissolved until nothing remained of his flesh and bone, nothing but the echoes of his last agonizing screams.

'That my children, is only a fraction of what I can do,' Mormo said. 'Tonight I have brought each of you presents from hell. Please accept them as an extension of my master's gratitude for the task that lies ahead.' He bounced the staff twice on the concrete floor. The floor started to vibrate and shake.

Soon large cracks appeared in the warehouse's concrete floor. Everyone scattered in all directions, moving away from the perceived danger. A large part of the floor collapsed exposing a steep but large stairway that seemed to lead deep underground. A bright orange glow protruded from the bottom with grunts and animal-like voices. A black mass ascended from the endless bottom travelling at a frightening speed. It flew out through the opening and separated into swarms of demons. The dark figures travelled through the air aimlessly as they floated above the ground, circling the groups of Satanists.

Mormo's eyes turned yellow and he spat out some more ancient words. The demons started entering the bodies of the crowd in the Warehouse. Soon Mormo was looking at an army of dark souls with matching eyes staring back at him. 'You now have the power to slay mankind in the most horrific way you see fit. Satan awaits with a prize of glory for each of you. Who bears the most powerful amongst you?' Mormo asked.

There was a shuffle of voices before Numbers stepped forward from the crowd. 'I have been serving my master for many years and in return, he has blessed me with great powers. I have made great sacrifices including my own blood brother which upon my lord Satan has rewarded me greatly,' Number said.

'Very well,' Mormo said. 'I will leave you in charge of this battle for my instruction was to guide only. Find and destroy this force for it is growing as we speak. This site has now been declared as the gate of hell. You are to protect it at all times and do not dare go down here prematurely for you are not yet ready. Those who dare enter the gate of hell without our master's permission will suffer a fate unthinkable. For the rest of you, the luxuries of hell await. Now go out and kill. Kill their woman and children. Put their heads on poles, bury them alive so that they know the coming of the beast.'

Numbers nodded and moved back into the crowd again.