Chapter 77

Andrew woke up in cold sweat. It was not his dream that woke him, but something was not quite the same anymore. He could sense it, almost as if the danger lurking in the shadows of the horizon started to move into action. Something was coming and he could feel it in the pit of his stomach.

Andrew thought about the dream he had while it was fresh in his memory. It was a pleasant one with no violence or atrocity which was somehow relieving. The old man Odin spoke wise words which made him think about his grandfather. There was something in his eyes. It was not only wisdom but sadness with a hint of vengeance. Somehow the dream felt much more real and vivid almost like the one he had when he found the buried wooden crate.

Andrew remembered the battle axe and got up immediately expecting to find the axe underneath his bed, but he was wrong, there was nothing. Andrew got back into bed and felt both stupid and disappointed.

As he lay in bed staring at the ceiling, Andrew wondered about how he could slay the enemy without getting caught. Although he knew some of his enemies already, he was sure there would be many more. He did not know if he had to kill all his enemies blindly or would he try to talk some sense into them first, and give them a chance to surrender their evil ways, and choose to live. What would the first kill feel like and what would he become after that? Would he become a killing machine with the power that has been given to him? Andrew expected to feel anxious about the opposing enemy, but he felt remarkably calm. There was a certain sense of excitement inside of him for he knew what kind of people they were and what they were capable of. They had hurt his dad in a very bad way just like they have done in the past. They had also mentioned Patrick's name before they attacked his dad. What were they saying about him and what were their plans? Andrew knew he had to stop the evil. They had gone too far already. Maybe he could start his quest in school somehow. The police were corrupt so they could be slain in the same manner.

Andrew knew the wheels started to turn and time was running out for humankind. Something woke him up for a reason. He could feel the evil that he had been called for. He turned to his side and tried to put his mind somewhere else while he waited for sleep to take him again. That is when he noticed something which caused his heart to pound faster. One of his closet doors was open. There was something glinting in there. Andrew could not recall putting anything in his closet that would reflect the little light from his alarm clock. He got out of bed and walked to his closet. Anxious about what he might find. Could it be real? Of course not. It would defy all the natural laws known to mankind, but then again, it happened before when he brought back the staff from the other world. He pushed his clothes aside and reached into his closet. His hand touched something cold and hard. He closed his hand around it and felt the power pulsing through his veins.