3 - State of Ellorans

Zach was currently exploring the city of Xeroth as it was empty and he could see many buildings covered by nature as it feels like it was emptied many years back, perhaps centuries.

He could feel no mana related to Ellorans as he realised they left, perhaps migrated as if this is real then it's natural for them to leave this place since he was no longer here.

Though he wished to see them and maybe even talk to his creations or even be prayed by them considering he is their God.

But truth was far from that as Ellorans were not actually having a good time in this world as they were suffering really really bad.

About 100km away from the forest of Ellora, inside the City of Magar as it was the closest city to Ellora.

It was a big city with a crowded streets as many were walking and at the side of the streets there were many shops as well.

From food to slaves, from flowers to prostitutes it was a typical Medieval city to explore.

But something was off as at the central part of the City, there were many platforms as at-top this platforms man, woman and children alike were tied up.

Their hands tied and their bodies lifted in a rather cruel way as they all hang, dangling like fruits on the branches of a tree.

There were armed men on the platforms who held whips as they immediately struck the bodies of those who were tied with a rather sinister gleeful expressions.

They were enjoying their jobs as the whips struck the back of the men, women and children the blood from their bodies drip and fall to the ground where one can see stains if blood.

It's as if like this a typically normal thing happening daily as one of the armed man walked to the edge and announced.

"Any Ellorans who try to not obey the laws and wishes of their masters, The Citizens of the empire or Arkur shall be punished along with their entire family." He continued "See them." He pointed at the folks who were hanging "Their fates, it'll be yours as well if you do not obey."

Many standing infront of the platforms leaned their heads down in submission as they couldn't dream off opposing the Empire who now owned them.

A cruel fate to beings who were created by god's as at the outskirts of the city there were many make shift houses as if there were clusters of slums as waste was on the streets, no good water nor food as screams and cries of hungry children could be heard.

This were the Ellorans lived in the city as the area were surrounded by soldiers who were not guarding but they were having fun as beating children up, or even worse taking them to tends and torturing them in a rather a cruel and unspeakable ways.

Corpses filled the streets ae it was a brutal sight to behold, but they had yet to know that their God has arrived to give them salvation and hope.