4 - Is there hope?

The City of Magar or the Empire of Arkur, treated Ellorans like slaves as there were no rights nor citizenships.

They were born to work and to be toys of their masters the Arkurians as it was pretty it as what hope can they have now since there was no way to survive unless if they don't accept the wishes of the Empire.

The Ellorans wait for the call from the City Mayor who will use for them constructions or for bed as until then no jobs and no jobs means no food.

As many even try to work for local businesses but some don't even pay as they opt to give a bit of rice.

Ellorans found it was luxury to even have a glass of water as even a single grain was considered to valuable as Gold.

This is the state of a race directly created by a god like being as they no longer prayed to Zacherius Diavolos because it was pointless as why pray to the God who never were there when they needed him the most.

Inside one of the tents a man and woman can been seen sitting near a sleeping child as their clothes were old and dusty as there were noises of their belly grumbling as the man held his stomach while sighing.

He spoke "I will try to find work, You don't have to go there anymore."

The woman next to him replied to his works "I know but how can feed our child when you cannot even get a job." She looked at him "I know it's difficult but I am fine, I am willing to go there if it means we can get enough food."

"Just for a handful of grains." He looked at her while saying "You do not have to sell your body to those bastards for a handful of grain."

She began to cry while saying "My love, I truly wish we weren't born as Ellorans but we are and our child atleast he should have a better life. It is fine, I'll not go after you find a job."

He grabbed her hands after rubbing the tears off from her face "Please don't, I do not wish to see do this no more."

Before she could respond, armed men barged into the tent "Enough lovebirds, The merchant guild leader wants you now." The man spoke as he grabbed the woman by her hair.

Her husband suddenly stood up to save her but he was kicked down by another armed man as he was in no shape to fight back especially with a skeletal weak body where muscles were less.

"Hah, Fighting back are we." the armed man spoke as he grabbed her by her throat "You are just lucky that your wife is atleast somewhat beautiful.. or else the guild master won't daily ask for her.. You are Elloran, be happy that your wife is used to please your master race." The armed men walker out with her as to make things worse they stripped her off her clothes while smirking before putting her inside a prison like carriage which also had some other woman including children as well.

The husband looked outside helplessly as he saw his wife being taken away to satisfy those cruel men as he said "Is there hope.." He continued "Is there hope for people like us."