Ch.4 — Ancestor (Edited)

Reina sighed, she had learned long ago not to dwell on things like this. As a former ambassador, before she became an elder, she had seen the rise and fall of many clans. After mere moments of thinking, she made a decision.

"Since resources are limited, it is best that we limit the number of elders we bring. We should only awaken ones that have completed their 6th tribulation and above."

They all nodded in agreement. "What about the eggs and that child?" Another one, a 5th tribulation immortal asked looking over at the baby resting on the ground.

Reina nodded "We will take them with us, especially that little one. I have decided to adopt him." They looked at her with a bit of shock before nodding. Some of them couldn't help but be envious looking at the little baby. It wasn't easy for a dragon baby to get adopted by another dragon, then again he was in a unique situation where both his parents were dead.

"What should we do about the ancestor?" One of the 5 elders, this one a 4th tribulation immortal asked. As he asked this he looked over to the 2 largest temples in the entire chasm.

Reina hesitated, the dragon ancestor is a false deity a very powerful one at that. He has served as the clan's guardian for the past 100,000 years. In the end, she decided "We will bring him out too. We can't leave without him."

It was then a voice echoed from the sky. "Good choice, I was watching to see if you were worthy of leading."

Everyone was shocked as a massive 1000-meter-long black dragon came floating down from the clouds. Soon it began shrinking down to just 5 meters in length which was its smallest size in dragon form and flew down. It then transformed into its humanoid form which was a mix between a human and a dragon with large wings. This human form had long blonde hair that went down past his neck and blue eyes.

"You shouldn't be surprised. You think I wouldn't learn a bit of space law for situations like this?" He spoke with a smile revealing his pearly white teeth. Some of the dragons present just wanted to hide in a hole, they had practically talked about treason while the ancestor was listening.

"You can relax, I actually agree on this matter. The clan needs to recover before we can let the others out. So only those who have completed their 7th immortal tribulation will be freed. As for the 6th tribulation immortals, it depends on their domain, body cultivation, etc." The ancestor spoke as he softly landed, his men's hanfu wrap fluttering a bit.

"What do you propose, ancestor?" Reina asked.

The ancestor looked at the baby dragon behind her with a frown.

"Is something amiss?" She asked after receiving no answer for a moment.

"That child behind you… it's different. No matter, it's nothing harmful." He said before looking at Reina.

"You will be the new matriarch, your domain is close to evolving into a world, thus you are most suited for the position in terms of power." He spoke.

Reina was surprised at the sudden promotion… Now that she was in it, was she ready to be a matriarch?

The ancestor understood her worries but didn't mind. "Relax, I'll actually be the one managing the clan for the time being. It's just a position im giving you so you have authority. Consider it a small reward for your semi-loyalty."

She breathed a sigh of relief hearing those words.

Following that he clapped "Alright, so here's what we're going to do. I will work on opening the temples dedicated to the 7th tribulation immortals. While im doing that I want one of you to go to the clan palace and get me the records of every immortal elder at the 5th tribulation and above within a temple."

"5th tribulation, sir?" Reina asked and he nodded.

"You forget, you were once a 5th tribulation immortal yourself Reina. Even then, you could still wipe the floor with some 7th tribulation immortals." He said meaningfully causing her eyes to light up.

"I see, so you hope to find someone else with a domain as strong as mine?" She asked and he nodded.

"The odds are low, but it's worth a shot." He said with a smile before turning to the only other 7th tribulation immortal present.

"Curious… by all means you should have advanced to the false deity realm. Why haven't you yet?" he asked.

"This island's slots for false deities is full and I do not wish to leave lady Reina's side." The dragon spoke.

The ancestor nodded "Do you owe her a debt?"

The dragon shook his head "Her father, sir. He saved my life many thousands of years ago at the cost of his own."

The ancestor smiled "I see, then serve her well. Furthermore, I sense there is an island continent with 3 vacancies, just enough for the 3 of us. When we get there, you will break through upon settling down." He said causing Adam to faintly smiled and nod.

"Very well, sir." Adam Black replied.

Turning his gaze to the only 3rd tribulation immortal present the ancestor went into thought. This caused that elder, Amelia Black, to freeze… she really didn't want to be left behind.

"You may come with but you will have to look after the children and perform a lot of labor. Your choice." He ultimately decided.

She bowed respectfully "I will gladly follow, your highness." She replied submissively.

In the end Alexis, the 5th tribulation amongst them spoke. "Aren't we gonna speak about revenge or anything?"

The ancestor's eyes glinted with unprecedented coldness at those words. "We will get back at whoever did this later, for now, we need to be patient. Acting rashly may result in our complete annihilation."

Everyone nodded solemnly. "We can avenge our children later… survival takes priority." Amelia, the 3rd tribulation immortal spoke. Those present nodded in response to this. It was then Reina's eyes widened.

"Shit, I need to go hunting." She spoke suddenly looking back at the sleeping baby. Understanding the situation the ancestor shook his head. "No need, I have a pill to make women lactate. It's usually used by the caretakers in the clan nursery, but uh… How do I put this… I sorta had this kink…"

Everyone had to stifle their laughter understanding what he meant. Dragons by nature were either lustful, greedy, or proud. Sometimes all of the above. It wasn't uncommon for them to develop kinks like that.