Ch.5 — Releasing of elders (Updated)

"Shit, I need to go hunting." She spoke suddenly looking back at the sleeping baby. Understanding the situation the ancestor shook his head. "No need, I have a pill to make women lactate. It's usually used by the caretakers in the clan nursery, but uh… How do I put this… I sorta had this kink…"

Everyone had to stifle their laughter understanding what he meant. Dragons by nature were either lustful, greedy, or proud. Sometimes all of the above. It wasn't uncommon for them to develop kinks like that.

(A/N: ツ)

Reina just shook her head wryly "Give it here, it will be better for his growth anyways."

The dragon nodded with a flushed face in his humanoid form. He retrieved the pills from his storage. "1 pill lasts for 24 hours, I don't have anything longer term for obvious reasons…"

"Can we move on already?" He asked hurriedly causing everyone to chuckle before they calmed down.

"Anyways, enough joking around." He said as he looked at Reina and nodded.

"I'm gonna go get to work, you feed the baby, and the rest of you find something to do, all of you are at least 1000 years old you should be able to find something that needs to be done." He said before going to one of the many temples in this chasm. More specifically to one of the 10 damaged temples with 7 floors.

Each temple is dedicated to an immortal in the clan, though most of them are unoccupied as made evident by the fact the black marble on them had turned white indicating it was unclaimed. This meant the owner had either died or broken their link with the temple itself, meaning another clan member could claim it.

For each tribulation someone in the clan overcomes, their temple would get another floor. Even though he was a false deity, he still only had 7. This was because one doesn't have to overcome a tribulation to become a false deity, they merely have to turn their domain into a world. That said, his temple was different than the others, the gold on his temple had been replaced with pure diamond quintessence, the strongest form of diamond that exists.

Obviously with how many temples that had their black marble transform into white marble, nearly if not all the immortals of the clan who were out of their temple when the calamity befell the clan died. This once again illustrated the deadliness of their enemy… none of the people inside their isolated spaces inside their temples or minor dimensions knew that the clan was destroyed.

The ancestor of the clan turned grim at this thought… 'There's no way this was done by just 1 person… even a false deity like myself cant pull this off. At least 3 false deities with lightning worlds would be needed to pull this off. Unless… No, impossible. The pantheons from the divine continents have no need to get involved.'

The more the ancestor thought about it the more he cemented this idea. Of the 5 continents and 36 islands in this world, The 5 continents are the only place in this world where true deities could be found. If a false deity tried to overcome their first divine tribulation on one of the islands, the world's will would just eject them to a proper divine world where deities can be found everywhere.

However, few would take that option as there are many benefits to staying in this world of theirs, even if they have to move base to one of the 5 continents. Furthermore, once they become a true deity the world's will would forever bar their entry to the 36 islands. The only exception to this is to send a false deity realm clone.

This thus ruled out the possibility of a true deities intervention… unless they sent clones?

Shaking his thoughts aside he began working on the damaged arrays of the temple he just arrived at. Due to being rusty, this took him 6 hours, but soon he fixed it. With that, he forcefully opened the gate and sent a message through.

("Exit your seclusion and come meet us.")

A response soon came through ("And who the hell are you?")

("Your ancestor, now get the hell out of there and meet Matriarch Reina or Elder Adam to get briefed on the situation and get your task.") The ancestor replied before moving on to the next 7 story temple. However, a response came back.

("I wasn't notified of a change in leadership. Who are you really?")

The ancestor sighed and just released his aura sending it through the small portal channel that was open. This caused the elder inside to pale. The difference between the average 7th tribulation immortal and a false deity was no joke. Let alone the difference between this elder and the ancestor.

The ancestor snorted over the mental connection and left. Shortly after he did, one of the arches on the lowest floor of the temple transformed into a gate and slammed open. Soon a dot of red light expanded into an unstable vortex of crimson energy with lightning crackling around it. Obviously, the portal was a bit unstable, but to a 7th tribulation immortal, this didn't matter.

Soon an immortal sense was sent out from the portal and the dragon inside was shocked to his core by what it saw.

Through time, the ancestor repaired more temples, and more elders were released and just as shocked by what they saw. The lush green valley/chasm they were used to was gone, it was now just barren and scorched land littered with corpses.

Some had the thought that perhaps the ancestor did this but upon investigating the situation they realized even for the ancestor this was an impossible feat to pull off... unless he decided to sacrifice a part of his cultivation. However, he clearly hadn't.

Soon, all of the clan's 7th tribulation immortals were gathered, creating a stir in the immortal spirit energy in the air. A frosty wind blew through the entire chasm as all of the immortal's hearts turned ice cold.


A/N: Reminder, to celebrate the new year and the release of this book, for every 75 power stones this book gets starting today until January 10th, 3 pm est, (January 11th, 4 am webnovel time) I will post 1 additional bonus chapter at the end of the month. Additionally, for every 25 genuine reviews received from January 1st to January 10th, I will also post an additional bonus chapter at the end of the month (If not next month in case this book blows up). Poor reviews like 'Oh, this is good, 5/5', etc, will not be counted toward this goal. In fact, I will actively try to delete such poor reviews as they are useless.

Furthermore copy pasted reviews don't count.

Good luck, and may you dragons and phoenixes soar high! (While I ride your tailcoats to glory!)