Ch.11 — Cultivating (Updated)

Their destination is another one of the world's 32 outer island continents, the 25th island. Each island continent has an average of nearly 250 million square kilometers of land. This is enough to rival and surpass actual continents in most mortal worlds. Yet here, they are merely considered large islands. Such is the size of the Ancient Moonlight World. However with this world's size, comes equally as many dangers, primordial secrets, mysteries, and questions.

Meanwhile, after they set off and the chasm was out of the ancestor's sensory range, a woman covered in the darkness came floating down from the sky. The darkness around her faded revealing a black-haired, brown-eyed woman with a backless and sleeveless halter dress. Her dress revealed her fair, tanned skin. Out of her lower back, 2 large black wings grew, and above her, a black halo could be seen. With a smile, she turned to the sky. "Your highness, I've done my part. May I have my reward now?" She asked before outstretching her palm.

In response to her words, a black crack appeared in the sky. The crack widened and soon enough thunder roared with a bolt of black lightning shooting out of it toward her hand. When it hit her hand though, no damage was done. When the light faded In her grasp was a vial of glowing violet liquid.

The fallen angel gave a bow to the sky before opening up a crack in space and leaving this world. She had other places to be and things to do. She only came to this world because of the vial of violet liquid was the reward for this relatively easy but risky mission. This violet liquid is extraordinarily precious to cultivators at her level.

Back on the ship, Alexis frowned and looked back in the direction of the chasm. She vaguely felt the space of the world around it destabilize for a moment.

Shaking her head she went back to translating some ancient runes she found in ruins.

A few hours after they set off, Reina transferred the controls to the ancestor and went to the nursery again. The moment she entered the room…


She got hit in the face with a tough rubber ball. The force was enough to send an ordinary mortal to Samsara, however, the force wasn't enough to make her even take half a step back.

Rubbing her nose a bit she picked up the ball and looked at the 3 dragons in the room playing. Amelia and the 2 dragons had just started another round when Zane's tail whipped the ball that was coming at him away. Like a baseball, it was sent flying… right at the door into Reina's face.

Reina smiled and threw the ball back at them. Zane whipped the ball with his tail sending it flying to Amelia who passed it to Yaling.

Reina watched as they played for a bit before pulling out a big soft floor mat and setting it in the corner of the room. She changed to her shrunk-down dragon form and laid down on the floor with her eyes closed as she began cultivating. Since they were going to a new land, she decided to be prepared.

She began making her immortal spirit energy cycle throughout the meridians in her body, slowly getting purer and purer until it was refined into liquid Immortal Spirit Essence. Over the course of 3 hours, she formed a small puddle of essence within her immortal vein.

It was then she opened her eyes as she noticed Zane had just sat down right in front of her face. Just as she noticed that…


He farted loudly, causing Amelia who was breastfeeding Yaling to look up at Reina with an amused grin. They may be millennia old existences… but kids farting under certain conditions is still funny. Reina coughed in embarrassment, quickly covering her nostrils with immortal spirit energy. Zane looked at her with a cheeky grin.

Reina decided this child was getting too daring, so she opened her mouth and a low flame appeared in it. The flame was of a very light temperature, barely 40 degrees celsius and she blew it over Zane causing him to get up quickly at the abnormal heat. It felt like he was stepping from a temperate biome to a hot tropical biome.

Reina smiled and spoke to his mind playfully. ("Fart in my face again and I'll throw you into a furnace.")

Zane quickly tried sucking up to apologize and began rubbing his head against her cheek. Reina accepted the apology and decided to breastfeed him, it was about that time anyways. Retracting a scale revealing one of her large dragon nipples and intaking a lactating pill she leaned on her side. Zane quickly crawled over smelling the scent of milk and began sucking on her exposed nipple.

Zane fed on her milk for half an hour before finally finishing, showing his greed. After finishing he curled up and went to sleep next to her.

Reina curled up around him with her bigger dragon body and continued cultivating. She wanted to condense the puddle of immortal spirit essence she had refined earlier into an immortal quintessence crystal, something immortals can create as consumable tools for various purposes.

Dragging the immortal liquid essence out of her body above her, she began condensing the drops of violet liquid into a dense ball of glowing energy. An hour later, The ball itself was about 10 centimeters in diameter however it was still made of liquid, just very thick liquid like honey. However that wasn't good enough, she needed to condense it until it crystallized and became solid.

An hour later the ten-centimeter diameter orb was now only a centimeter in diameter, about the size of a marble. It was showing signs of crystallization. 3 hours later, it was fully crystallized and a solid glowing violet crystal ball 1mm in diameter was made.

She looked at her work unsatisfied. She needed to multiply its size by ten times, meaning she would have to repeat that process 9 more times, and it would be harder each time.