Ch.12 — Elemental Oblivion (Updated)

With that she began gathering more immortal spirit energy, making it course through her meridians and refine it into liquid immortal spirit essence, gathering yet another puddle, this time it was done in just 2 and a half hours. She brought the essence outside of her body and began condensing it over the preexisting orb once more. After just 3 hours, the large puddle of liquid essence was condensed into quintessence expanding the preexisting orb of quintessence making it 2 millimeters in diameter.

She continued this 8 more times, having to stop occasionally to let Zane out to play, feed him, etc.

5 days later, a solid 7th-grade immortal quintessence crystal orb ten millimeters or 1 centimeter in diameter was done. This crystal could passively power a lower 3rd-grade immortal defensive formation for a decade. Of course, that's not to mention the active use of the array to block an attack.

Opening her eyes she smiled. That was one down, she wanted to construct 4 more. However just as she was about to begin gathering more energy…

*Whoosh* She felt the aura of an immortal beast wash over her. Shortly after…


The ship shook and rocked after the barrier got hit by something.


The ship shook yet again. Reina immediately stood up and transformed into human form, before she left she looked at Zane who was trembling in fear. She hesitated…


The ship was hit again.

("Reina, we need you now. It's a 5th tribulation immortal Kraken with 7th tribulation equivilent body cultivation.") Adam spoke to her mentally, a bit of graveness in his tone. Right after he spoke a loud bang was heard, this time the ship didn't shake.

Reina stopped hesitating. The barrier probably couldn't resist another 3 attacks from a beast like that. "Amelia, look after him, I gotta go." Reina said before she flew through the ship's halls at insane speeds, phasing through the ship's walls and doors and arriving on the top deck within a mere second.

When she spread her immortal sense around her expression turned grim. A Kraken was following them underwater, matching their pace. Not counting the tentacles, the main body of this immortal Kraken was nearly the size of the average mountain on the 36 islands. Its 18 tentacles which were even longer increased its size to that of a small mountain range.


Reina and the ancestor watched as Adam dished out 3 attacks at the same time creating overlapping explosions, each attack aimed at a tentacle about to slam down on the ship floating in the sky.

As for why they didn't just increase hovering height, the higher they are the more immortal energy the hover arrays require to function and keep the ship stable. This was because the higher one went in the ancient moonlight world, the fiercer the winds.

Shortly after Adam dished out his attacks, one of the attacking formations on the ship finished charging and lit up a brilliant icy blue.

An icy blue beam shot off the ship's hull into the water making its temperature drop below freezing instantly, quickly all the water within a kilometer of the impact zone below them turned into ice. 8 more such beams were launched successively into the water, dropping the temperature even further.

Just as Reina was about to step in, Alexis spoke up. "I wanna try something."

"Be careful, please." Reina said and Alexis nodded shooting into the air.

As soon as she reached a sufficient height, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. In her sea of consciousness, dozens of large array circles could be seen. However these were no ordinary arrays, and if an artisan were to see these he would be fascinated and in awe. Each of these were specifically designed in a way she could quickly make them in the air to attack by simply manipulating immortal spirit energy to form these circles on it's own. This took arrays to a whole new level.

She decided to call these spells. She has created at least one for each element with the best of her knowledge. However, there was one in particular that she took pride in. This was her most deadly trump card, one that had the potential to kill a true deity.

'Elemental Oblivion' She thought and in an instant, the atmosphere changed, even the ancestor's eyes narrowed with graveness as his heart skipped a beat and goosebumps formed on his human skin.

Even the Kraken's tentacles froze and twitched for a moment.

Many sea beasts across the ocean within 100 kilometers stopped swimming as they looked up at the sky in horror. When Alexis opened her eyes, she pointed her finger to the sky, on the tip of this finger a black array circle could be seen.

All the elemental particles in the surrounding area went into a tizzy at the appearance of this circle and began rushing toward it. The spell circle began growing at a monstrous level, growing to a kilometer in size within 3 seconds. The Kraken of course didn't sit back and watch and it threw all its tentacles at her, of course, Adam and one of the grand elders protected her.

By the time the spell circle was done, it was 10 kilometers in diameter. At the center of it, was the Kraken.

The Kraken quickly began trying to escape… unfortunately…

Many of the elemental particles within the 10 kilometer radius converged at the center of the circle before practically exploding forward.

All of this happened within ten seconds.


A column of elements struck down from the sky, the column was made from the hottest of plasma, the coldest of ice, the hardest of earth, the fiercest of winds, the sharpest of metals, the richest woods, and the most deadly lightning.

It didn't end there, space cracked, and gravity fluctuated drastically. One moment gravity was normal the next gravity was reversed or increased by thousands of times or decreased to absolute zero, it was chaotic. Time inside this pillar flickered from slowing down and speeding up and even pausing. Some parts of the beam became so blindingly bright it could be seen across the horizon, and some parts of it became so dark it looked like they were staring into the depths of the void, furthermore, screeches of lost souls could be heard…

Thus, something that could only be called terrifying ensued. That part of the world shattered! Literally!

Within that column, nearly everything ceased to exist becoming nothing more than primordial oblivion! The Mortal and Immortal Elements within ceased to exist, while the Heavenly/Divine elements were extremely chaotic and fractured. Only the Stellar/Celestial elements remain untouched.