Ch.13 — 25th immortal island (Updated)

Alexis smiled proudly seeing everyone looking at her solemnly or with shock. This was her goal when demonstrating this skill. She knew no one here doubted her power since in this world knowledge can literally become true power. However, she still wanted to show she wasn't as mad as some might think.

The results were evident, even an entity close to the false deity level in strength fell under her attack. She would be no less valuable than Reina or Adam or the Ancestor.

With the Immortal Kraken now defeated they stopped to store its corpse in a storage ring for processing at a later date. After that, they continued on their journey at blistering speeds. They increased the ship's speed beyond cruising speed for a bit because they were worried about that fight having attracted others, that and also to make up lost time. After an hour they slowed back down to cruising speed.

Over the next 4 weeks, they continued their journey. Sometimes they got attacked by immortal beasts, but most of the time Adam and Andrew took care of it. In this time Alexis and the Ancestor also worked on condensing space crystals for the demi plane.

Zane had grown a lot in this time, he was now the size of a boulder and usually lay next to Reina all day. A few days ago she had started getting him back on solid food such as meat. Yaling was also growing into a fine young dragoness, also beginning to eat solid food. The 2 caused the room to shake when they played. Luckily the ship's hull was strong enough to easily handle them.

2 more eggs also hatched in this time, and both of them were girls. One was given to Alissa and her husband, a grand elder, to raise, and was named Elaine, the other was actually adopted by the ancestor and named Ember.

4 weeks later, Reina who was in the nursery with 2 newly hatched baby dragons in it opened her eyes and smiled. In these last 4 weeks, she had actually managed to finish 6 more 7th-grade immortal quintessence crystals for a total of 7 of them. This was thanks to Amelia taking care of Zane and the other babies for her while she focused on this.

It was then she heard a voice in her head. ("The island is in sight. You should come see this.") It was Adam's voice.

With a smile, she sat up and asked Zane to follow her. Being the little affectionate rascal he was, he of course followed her.

5 minutes later they were on the ship's surface deck. Looking off the bow of the ship even Alexis couldn't admire the sight.

"I really regret not coming here before…" one of the elders said as she looked at the vast island continent they were approaching.

Vast colorful aurora's filled the sky above the 25th island, fluffy white clouds floated around, the waves crashed against the seashore, and ordinary mortals could be seen playing on the beach. A few blimps could be seen in the sky. These were defense blimps aimed to keep the shores within 25 kilometers safe from sea monster attacks, etc. This was mainly so mortals and lower leveled cultivators and martial artists could enjoy the beaches.

Noticing the ship appearing on the horizon, an immortal stationed in a blimp sent his immortal sense out. Like a wave, it crashed over and through them, but it shattered before it could even touch the ancestor or the baby dragons. The ancestor, who found this probing of their entire being to be disrespectful and potentially aggressive or even warlike, lightly smiled in response.

In the world of cultivation, fully probing someone's body is considered very rude and disrespectful. He could very well make a big deal out of this and get some benefits for his clan.

With a smile, he sent his divine sense forth.

The 6th tribulation immortal responsible for the earlier intrusion suddenly puked blood. The mental and physical shock of having your immortal sense thoroughly shattered was no joke after all.

He stared at the ship appearing on the horizon in horror. Someone on that ship had to be a false deity or a very very strong 7th tribulation immortal!

"General! Are you okay? should we attack?!" The general's subordinates asked in worry and the general shook his head quickly.

"Don't… my immortal sense has been thoroughly shattered. Only the divine emperor is capable of a feat like that. There's likely a false deity and a few 7th tribulation immortals on that ship. Alert the emperor at once." The general spoke fearfully.

His subordinates nodded and one of them brought out a communication talisman and activated it sending a message to the center of the island continent, its contents were short and simple.

("False deity and several peak immortals approaching, intentions unknown.")

Meanwhile back on the ship, Reina was a bit furious.

Alexis had an amused smile on her face as she watched some of the members on deck seethe. What just happened was like a pervert peeping on you bathing in a private lake or shower, since they could in all honesty see you naked through that method. Any girl would be mad after this, many men would be too though for different reasons. To them, their body is like a temple, and probing it without permission would effectively be like taking a piss in it.

"Ancestor, shall we get some compensation from the ruler of this island?" Alexis asked and the Ancestor shook his head after a moment of thought.

"I don't want to get in conflict with this island's false deity. I can feel his strength all the way from here. While I can certainly win against him, it won't be without cost. I'd much rather be on good terms with someone like that and have another layer of defense for the clan. Let's just let it go for now, once we get established then I'll talk to him about what happened." He said and she nodded.

They continued forth and 3 hours later they arrived in beautiful grasslands that went on for many hundreds of kilometers. However, these grasslands were in fact surrounded by a vast forest filled with dangers. Perfect for isolating them from mortals while also giving a place for the youths to temper themselves.

Reina's mood had lifted quite a bit since the rude probing. The ship slowly came to a halt above the vast grasslands, its hull reflecting the sun's light as it shined in all its glory releasing an intimidating presence over the grasslands. Many of the beasts of this forest followed the path of body refinement due to its abundant resources. There were many martial beasts with 5 or more treasured organs within the forest and in the grasslands.

Many of these martial beasts were fighting each other in an attempt to devour the other's treasured organs and use them to further the refinement of their own treasured organs. Some of them were also fighting over some natural herbs or fruits that could further the refinement of their treasured organs.

However, they all stopped when the black dragon's ship arrived in the sky. All of them could feel it… death. Death lingered in the air. Nearly everyone on that ship in the sky was strong enough to kill them thousands of times with a flick of their wrist… Furthermore, everyone on that ship was a dragon. Their bloodlines could feel it, and with this, some of them immediately bowed down.

Even though many of them were sentient martial beasts, they all knew that they wouldn't last a second against anyone on that ship. Survival came first, pride was useless. The weaker beasts, those who only had 1 or 2 treasured organs began directly running away at their fastest speeds. By the time the ship was a kilometer from the ground, the 3 treasured organ martial beasts began running away as well. By the time the ship landed, only the 5 treasured organ beasts remained.