Ch.14 — Wise God King (1) — [Rewritten]

With the remaining martial beasts all having 5 treasured organs, they were all comparable to peak profound shell realm spirit beasts. This meant they had developed sentience and sapience. This gave Reina an idea of how to use them in the future. Setting that aside she began issuing orders.

"Everyone is to come to the deck of the ship and form neat rows with the strongest at the front, weakest at the back and prepare to listen for an explanation as to our plans." Reina commanded.

The ancestor, grand elders, and all the elders stepped forward. Seeing the ancestor following her orders she looked at him weirdly.

"You are the matriarch, even an ancestor like me has to follow your orders in times of crisis unless I deem you incapable." He explained causing everyone to nod approvingly at him. According to regulations, he was indeed correct. However, no one could force him to follow them. If he was dead set on it, he could kill them all in a matter of an hour or 2.

"Alright, your support is very appreciated. Your help should make this far easier." She commended. With that, she began explaining the general plan she and the ancestor came up with.

"So here's what's going to happen. Me and the ancestor have decided to take inspiration from the sects but with a little twist. We will be opening a secret realm otherwise known as a demi-plane here in these plains. We will be using all of our greater space stones and above for this. Once the demi-plane is open we will be planting violet spirit grass seeds, violet immortal grass seeds, and immortal spirit apple trees everywhere. Different metal source veins will also be implanted into the plane through time. At the center of the plane will be a large spiraling mountain, this will be where we live. Under this mountain will be several spirit springs and immortal springs." Reina spoke.

"Effectively, we will be building our own immortal land and living in it." Reina summarized. Just when everyone thought she was done though, she dropped a bomb on them. "Due to this being its own demi-plane there are no restrictions to advancement, so long as you have enough energy and pass your tribulation. This means all of you can become deities or even celestials without worry, if you are capable of it of course. Just don't undergo your tribulation within the secret realm, instead, go through a gate to a continent capable of handling it."

Amelia raised her hand. "Yes?" Reina responded.

"Where are we going to get these springs, vein sources, and herb seeds?" She asked.

"The ancestor already has them. He's been hoarding them for a while and has generously decided to give them up. All the spirit and immortal springs are of peak grade." She replied.

"As for the mineral vein sources, most of them were found by the clan a long time ago and sealed for later usage. A few will be provided by the ancestor. As for the herbs, they are basic herbal seeds we've had for a while. Though we plan to open several secret realms with unique climates and conditions at a later date for herb gardens for better herbs. Similar realms will be opened for the nurturing of special minerals." Reina explained gaining excited glimmers from the elders who were artisans.

Even Alexis had a glimpse of excitement on her face.

Amelia nodded in understanding.

"How will we be creating the demi-plane exactly?" Someone asked.

"We will be inviting a guest to create a formation to create the demi-plane and anchor it to a building we will be making below ground." Reina replied.

"Who?" Alexis asked curiously.

"Arnold Calixtus Nyland, founder of the Nyland Draconic Pantheon of Comerce." The ancestor spoke up causing everyone to stare at him in shock, even Reina.

There wasn't a dragon in the world that hasn't heard of that name or that pantheon! Arnold Calixtus Nyland was born a little over 50,000 years ago on the 128th mortal island. That's right, a mortal island, not an immortal island. This world has 128 mortal islands, 36 immortal island continents, 4 divine continents, and 1 celestial continent. The mortal islands are largely ignored by everyone, as very rarely does someone reach the profound shell realm there, let alone the immortal ascension realm.

Arnold's mother was a true white dragon, and his father a high elf. His 2 parents were lovers but their clans forbade them from seeing each other due to rivalry. So, the 2 did something no one thought they would do… they forcefully dissolved their cultivation base down to the immortal ascension realm and escaped to where no one would have thought to look for the 2… a mortal island. The one with the poorest spiritual energy at that.

They settled down there for a while and Arnold's mother conceived him in her human form so he wasn't born as a true dragon but as a demi-elf with true dragon and high elven blood running through him. This meant he wasn't born at the profound soul realm and had to cultivate from the bottom like most humans and some elves. Still, he was born with a perfect physique so he never had to worry about going through the body tempering realm.

Unfortunately, tragedy struck and they were found shortly after Arnold advanced to the Profound Soul Realm. His parent's forced him to run and they gave him several teleportation and concealment talismans to run with before forcefully teleporting him to the 36th immortal island. That was the day… Arnold swore total revenge on both his parent's clans.

With a higher concentration of spirit energy and his latent talent, he advanced in cultivation step by step. He seized every opportunity that came his way, ruins, secret realms, inheritances, chance encounters, everything. He greedily obtained every piece of knowledge he could get his hands on, and got into alchemy, formation mastery, talisman mastery, herbalism, and much more.

Arnold primarily focused on body cultivation and swordsmanship primarily since he didn't want to have a lacking foundation when it came to his spirit cultivation, and he knew if he advanced too fast that's exactly what would happen. Body cultivation didn't have this issue though.

Gradually he became so strong and so wise, that people came to know of him as the Indomitable Sword Sage, finally after 10,000 years… he got his revenge. This was just a shortened version of his tale, and the full tale was a glorious story that could be turned into its own novel. Today, he was known as the Wise God King Arnold Calixtus Nyland and was perhaps one of the most famous artisans out there, even celestials have heard of him. So, naturally, Alexis was extremely shocked and excited. She practically fan-girled hearing he might be coming.


The ancestor nodded in affirmation and spoke to Reina "Alright then, I'll head out. You hold things down here. Until then, everyone work on securing the area."

Everyone nodded, and just as they did he disappeared.

"He opened a spatial channel to the eastern continent directly… False deities really are another breed." Alexis muttered in shock after realizing what happened several moments later causing everyone to nod in agreement.

Everyone soon got over their excitement and got to work rounding up the martial beasts. Reina had the idea to tame these beasts to guard the planar anchor for a bit. After communicating with them what she wanted they instantly agreed. She promised them resources that would allow them to finish refining their treasured organs after all. This would allow them to become amongst the top beasts in the forest. 2nd only to the immortal martial beasts who have begun opening their 3 immortal apertures.

This was very enticing for them and was a good deal for them. She then had a small team consisting of Alexis and Adam assemble to map the forest for any dangers, etc. The 5th organ martial beasts also helped by leading them to the territory of the immortal beasts and other beast territories of concern for mapping.

Meanwhile, the 3 grand elders split up across the forest to negotiate or force various beasts into submission, gradually securing the forest.

Amelia, Reina, and one of the grand elder's wives decided to take this time to teach the babies how to fly as dragons. They were at that age where it was time to teach them anyways. Zane actually picked it up really quickly, he managed to take his first flight after just an hour of trial and error. Of course, he only managed to fly for a few seconds. Still, it was really great progress. 5 minutes later Ember surprisingly managed to achieve the same. 10 minutes later Yaling also completed her first flight, before unfortunately crash landing straight into the deck of the ship.

Some people on the ship saw that and couldn't help but chuckle. Yaling was walking around like a drunk and dizzy dragon. Seeing as she wasn't crying they knew she was fine, just dizzy. Elaine was the last of the 4 children to grasp her first flight, however, she lasted the longest in the air so far, managing to stay in the air for an entire minute.

Unfortunately, the final egg has yet to hatch. Luckily it seems that the egg is still healthy, though it is beginning to deteriorate. So they could only hope that it would hatch in time.

It was then a black dot appeared above the ship and expanded into a fist-sized orb which exploded revealing 2 people, the ancestor and someone else. This person was emitting an aura that far surpasses the ancestor's own aura. This caused everyone, even the children, to stare at him.