Ch.15 — Wise God King (2) — [Rewritten]

The adults stared solemnly at the seemingly old yet vigorous man, however, the children stared differently. Zane and Yaling stared curiously, Elaine stared confused, while Ember stared at him fighting intent blazing in her beady little eyes. This didn't go unnoticed by the old man either.

The old man next to the Ancestor was in fact Arnold Calixtus Nyland, his real body had a spirit cultivation as a false celestial and a body cultivation comparable to False Celestials, putting his strength closer to that of n average peak 1st tribulation phase celestial. This avatar though was only at the peak of the False Deity realm in both. Still, this provided an exceptional result, no one on this island could resist his attacks should he attack, not even the ancestor.

The old man looked like an ancient master or an old monk. He had no hair on his head and wore a sky blue hanfu with golden trimmings, his well-groomed lush white beard went halfway down his chest, while his similarly well-groomed mustache went down to his chin. In his hand lied a horsetail whisk.

Despite his old appearance, his skin wasn't sagging too much and he was a bit muscular. He had a kind smile on his face and his eyes looked compassionate as he looked down at the children, particularly Ember.

"You never told me you adopted someone. I thought after Veronica you would never try again." The old man said softly.

A sad look flashed in the eyes of the ancestor as the old man mentioned the woman named Veronica. She was his first and only wife and he failed to protect her and their child…

The old man noticed this "Ahh… I'm sorry friend… I didn't mean to bring you down. Please, don't take it out on her later either."

The ancestor nodded slowly "It's alright, you didn't mean any harm. Also, I'm not that petty."

Arnold nodded sensibly moving away from the topic. "Alright, which one of you is Alexis?"

Alexis stepped forward, noticing her he asked a question. "Do you mind?"

She shook her head with no hesitation knowing what he was asking "Go ahead, just avoid my sea of consciousness."

He nodded and probed her fully, avoiding her sea of consciousness of course, as he did he grew rather surprised.

"My my… you are a terrifying little feller. You will be my assistant during my stay here, is that alright with you?" Arnold asked genuinely surprised feeling the number of domains she's mastered. Usually, only ancient celestials would have mastered as many as she has… Perhaps he wont be worthy of the title of wise god king for much longer.

She nodded in delight "I'm more than willing to be your assistant, Senior Arnold. I just hope you would be willing to teach me as you go."

He nodded approvingly at her "I remember you now, you were at the dig on the western continent, right?"

She nodded with a smile. Seeing those 2 start going into their own little world the ancestor coughed. "Sorry to interrupt you 2 lovebirds but can we begin discussing the details of the demi-plane?"

Arnold nodded. "How big do you want it?" He asked to which the Ancestor just tossed over a spatial pouch. Within were hundreds of space crystals at the greater grade or above.

Carefully analyzing all of them Arnold nodded with a bit of surprise. "I can easily make 3 planes the size of a divine continent with these. However, I'm assuming you don't want that."

The ancestor nodded. He then explained that they wanted to possibly make a few more demi-planes attached to the demi-plane their making. Each of these demi-planes needed to have a specific type of environment to grow and nurture herbs and mineral veins.

"Do you have earth fires?" Arnold asked to which the ancestor shook his head with a sigh.

"Unfortunately not."

"You know that means the mineral veins you place wont be able to produce high quality minerals right? herbs might also be of lower quality. In fact it's very likely to produce minerals that are halfway filled with impurities…" Arnold said with a frown.

Alexis hesitated before bringing out a pale yellow flame. "It's not the best, but it should reduce the impurities considerably right?"

Arnold looked at it and nodded. "With that low yellow grade earth flame, the impurities should be reduced to 20 to 25%. Still… Ah screw it." Arnold said reluctantly looking at the ancestor and pulled out several brightly glowing green flames. The ancestor had in fact helped him a long time ago with his revenge by giving him a material type pseudo divine sword for him to use. After getting this sword Arnold engraved his own formations onto it since their wasn't any, and it became a true divine sword that belonged to him and him alone. This sword allowed him to take his revenge in exchange for a favor later.

"We're even after this, is that alright, Draco?" Arnold asked and the Ancestor nodded. Loosing a favor for 12 peak green grade earth fires and a few demi-planes was practically him mugging Arnold. But Draco wasn't gonna turn it down.

"Thank you." Draco, the ancestor replied. Arnold just waved his hands, "It's nothing."

"Do you want me to make it so this demi-plane can slowly expand by using some of the energy from the springs to refine the void?" Arnold asked curiously to which the ancestor replied with a nod.

With that Arnold beckoned for Alexis to follow him and began his work. He used a spatial skill called 'meld' to separate a long cube of the earth and move it out of the ground creating a cube shaped hole in the ground that went a kilometer deep and was 10 meters wide in each direction. He also happened to unearth a small immortal mythril mine in this process which he extracted and decided to refine to use for the formation plate to create the anchor for the master demi-plane.

Using one of his own peak violet grade earth flames he got as payment from a job for a celestial one time, he refined the mythril down to it's purest form. Immortal Mythril Quintessence. He then shaped it into a thin circular sheet and put it at the bottom of the pit. He brought out a few array flags and stabbed them into the ground at an equal distance from the center of the plate varying at 40 degrees placement each, each of them 10 meters away from eachother. He then had Alexis begin inscribing certain arrays onto them while he began inscribing formations onto the mythril plate using his crystal pens.

While doing all of this Arnold taught Alexis a few things, which helped her understanding of spatial anchoring improving her knowledge of space law by just a bit, and thus improving her gravity law by a minuscule amount, which then improved her understanding of time ever so slightly. Such was the benefits of comprehending space, time, and gravity and thinking of them as interconnected.

For 2 days he worked on the formations in this plate, with Alexis helping on some parts of it. After this was done, he went exactly 10 kilometers north from the formation plates center, made another hole, and repeated the process. He did this 8 more times, creating formations nodes 10 clicks away altering the direction by 40 degrees each time forming a 9 pointed star or circle. He then linked them all together forming a 9 point star pentagram surrounding the central node. Each of these nodes had 9 array flags surrounding the central plate forming another 9 point pentagram around them.

With this done, they began putting all the space crystals on the central node, it was effectively a hill of them. This entire process took about a month and a half.

"This will create massive spatial ripples upon activating, we should probably set up a spatial isolation formation…" Alexis said frowning and Arnold shook his head.

"That will interfere with the formation and hinder the creation of the demi-plane. I've already had Draco go out and do something that will throw everyone off, we can activate it when he's done." Arnold explained.

"When will that be, Senior?" Alexis asked curiously.

"12 months give or take 3 months…" Arnold said after a bit of thinking.