12 royal families

Xiao fan left his room in a hurry to find his father and mother,he walked towards the study of his mother he walked past so many disciples of the Xiao family some workers, guards,and maids greeted him as he walked past them.

some elder disciples were looking at him keenly because some noticed that he has brokenthrough he noticed their gaze but he ignored it and walked towards his destination not caring about the surprises in their faces as soon as he was out of sight the disciples started discussing among themselves a young frail looking teenager said don't you see the that young master Xiao fan seems to have broken through another teenager then answered the last time I saw him he was only at the elementary stage 3 and that was about a week a chubby teenager then said if he continue like thsi Xiao fan might best all other Xiao family geniuses the young frail looking teenager then said that with the likes of Xiao fan, Xiao zhan, Xiaomi, Xiao ling, Xiao mei, Xiao luo,Xiao jing and the others the Xiao family would surely attain a great level.

Xiao fan walked past many courtyard and finally reached his mother study two figures could be seen sitting together the elegant looking woman was flipping through a book and the middle aged man with handsome features was drinking a wine.

This two people are none than his father and mother as he walked to y chair where they were sitted he greeted with a bow Good morning .

They answered him then his mother stood up from her chair and walked around him and said fan'er you have brokenthrough you have reached the elementary realm stage nine from stage two in just a week.

she continued I know my son will be one of the best geniuses among his peers.

Xiao fan said mother while xiao yan, Xiao zhan and the rest were breaking through constantly I wasn't rushing it. I took my time to stabilize my essential qi and build my energy to the extreme so It was so easy when I start to increase my realm.

His father cut in that so smart of you a warrior can't depend on strength alone comprehension matters most.

His father continued I was worried before but now my worries are gone we summoned you to tell you that the seven prestigious academy want to take in new students and the remaining eleven royal families disciples would take the entry exam to the school also.

The Jiang family, Zhang family, yang family, yin family, murong family, lu family, ye family, Gu family, Qiao family, Bai family, and the dugu family.

The eleven royal families disciples are all brilliant and outstanding so I want you to try your best in the entry exam not just because of your self but also for the glory of the Xiao family is that understood.

I promise to try my best father I will never drag the Xiao family name in the mud but father I have a little question I wonder if you can give me little tips about the seven prestigious academies.

His father sip the wine from the cup on the table and said the seven prestigious academies are almost every central plains cultivators dream and members of the twelve royal families controls the academies.

mystic mist academy

jiagnan academy

holy sword school

sky cloud martial school

purple sun Martial school

sky fall academy

Emerald martial palace

The mystic mist academy is a great school I think you should choose the school it is the most complete academy in terms of resources they are the best unlike holy sword sect disciples who trains sword artists, people who have passion for sword would choose the holy sword school because they specialize in sword arts because other martial arts are scarce in the academy but it a paradise For sword artists.

I would advise you to choose the mystic mist academy this little information should do.

His mother voice was heard fan'er just do what you desire.

But never relent they are geniuses in the remaining eleven royal families and all over the world if you relent you would be stepped over Xiao fan then answered I will keep your words in mind.

His father said fan'er let head to the main martial arts hall all young disciples are told to gather there for an announcement lets go it almost time with that Xiao fan and his father exited the room and made their way towards the main martial arts hall.