family tournament

Xiao fan enter the main martial arts hall it was full of so many disciples of about age of twelve to fifteen years of age and they were all Xiao family young disciples.

Xiao fan walked past so many people and stood at a corner every body was waiting for the council of elders and the family patriarch to come and deliver their speech.

A young looking teenager clad in white robe asked another teenager buddy do you no why we are summoned here the other teenager answered I think it because of the academies exam the boy who asked then said how do you no.

" he then answered I overheard it from a senior who went out for some business" .

As the disciples were busy chatting with one another some figures walked into the hall they were the councils of elders the family patriarch and law enforcement elder a calm voice was heard but it has a commanding tone in it that rang through out the hall every body stand properly every one already knew the voice it belong to the law enforcement elder.

" the law enforcement elder had a great prestige in the family every disciples are afraid of him with his command who dares to disobey".

Every one took their places Xiao fan walked to the front where Xiao zhan, Xiao yan, Xiaomi, Xiao jing, Xiao xuner and the other young high ranked disciples of the Xiao family are.

A skinny looking teenager also made his way to where Xiao fan and the others were standing he took a place at the front and said I almost missed this I was in closed door cultivation.

Xiao yan who is a top hand among all of them said junior brother feng you have broken through to elementary stage eight

"yes I have"!

That good of you I think if we don't buckle up you will be reaching us soon.

"Xiao zhan scoffed" he is still lacking compared to us".

The little teenager called feng said brother zhan if you relax I will soon suprass you.

"Xiao feng chuckled and said let see how you do that Xiao feng wants to talk but Xiao fan cut him off don't be rude.

brother fan I think you benefited more than us in your closed door cultivation

"Hmmm Xiao fan said I was just lucky to breakthrough constantly it nothing"

A voice was heard everyone keep calm the voice was that of the family patriarch

"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning everyone chorused"

I want to inform you all that it about time for the entry exam to the seven prestigious academies of the Central plains.

The exam would take place at the cloud mist mountain at the end of the month and as you all have known the protocols to the exam.

students who performed very well will would have the privilege to choose the school of their choice while the rest would be selected randomly all of you here must try your best to get into one of the academies don't make the Xiao family a laughing stock is that understood.

"yes everyone chorused"!

"The voice of the law enforcement elder was heard again "

we have designated a little task to drill you all before the exam it a little competition to get you prepared.

All of you should rest and prepare yourself today but you all should gather at the front of the ancient ruin is that understood

"yes everyone chorused"

everyone go and prepare yourselves.

The hall became empty as everyone left to prepare them self.