Blood isle mountains

Xiao fan return to his room to prepare for the task that awaits him the next day.

" he mumbled to himself what should I start with let me try increase my skill first"

I think I should start with the Roaring tiger fist after he has decided on what to do he walked out of his room to his courtyard and stood at the middle he sat down he stabilize his inner qi after using his spirit sense to check his essential qi he found out that his energy is filled and pure he use his Zhen qi to clear impurities from his pores after he was satisfied with the results he leaped up like an angry tiger swung his fist in a slow movement but the aftermath of the fist was deadly.

he swung his fist towards a vase of flower in his courtyard with the second move of the Roaring tiger fist a loud sound was heard the vase shattered instantly.

he leaped mid air and started launching one fist after another in the air as the fist sound resounded In the courtyard whoop whoosh whoosh.

"he stopped for a while"

I have learnt the first and second of the tiger roaring fist let me try out the last movement with that he activated his Zhen qi he pushed his qi to the extreme right to his right hand he leaped up a little and swung his right fist upward to the air a yellow halo aura covered his fist as the sound of the first resounded in the courtyard like a sudden thunder clap.

"I finally learnt the Roaring tiger fist in just half an hour"

let me move to my plum jade sword play

he brought out a shining steel silver sword from his room and started cutting up, down, left, right, in a seemingly slow move but In reality he was really fast he swung the sword at fast rate that the only thing you could notice is the sound coming from the sword.

The plum jade sword play has ten movement Xiao fan has learnt four movement out of it he started displaying the sword play his fastness and swiftness were combined together making him seem peerless he displayed the first movement he moved back waved his sword in an aggressive way in the air a wave of energy come out from the sword with an intimidating power.

he tried out the fifth movement he causally waved his sword to the right In a backward circular motion but the energy the move possessed was horrifying.

The fifth level is this powerful I wonder how the tenth movement would be like .

"let me try the sixth movement"

he waved his sword and groaned as he pushed his Zhen qi in a fast motion to make the sixth movement powerful he waves the sword at a fast rate with accurate timings he then applied the plum jade sixth movement a little ray of light shine in the courtyard with a horrifying qi energy.

"The sixth movement completed"

let me try it out he leaped out of the courtyard and accumulated little Zhen qi then bend a little turned in a circular movement and infused the sixth movement which was targeted at the top of a cherry tree which was about fifty steps away the targeted point a swisssh sound was heard and immediately the top of the cheery tree was cutted off.

After he learnt the sixth movement of the plum jade skill he was feeling weak as his Zhen qi was running low from exhaustion he has used it to display his skills and those skills need Zhen qi without Zhen qi your skill are useless it power won't be brought out Zhen qi Is the foundation of every cultivators.

"Am running out of Zhen qi I have to stop now".

Xiao fan stopped practicing went to his room tucked his legs under him and started refilling his wasted Zhen qi .

I have to quickly increase my realm if I have the cultivation of a soul pound realm or the true spirit realm I would not get exhausted easily I have so many obstacles to pass through am still at the elementary stage I have to get to the

soul Pond realm

yin yang realm

true spirit realm

eternal realm

astral reaching realm

sea of souls realm

human sovereign realm

earth immortal realm

immortal realm.

let leave that for now but am confident that I would excel but to do that I have to reach the soul pound realm, yin yang realm, true spirit realm, eternal realm, astral reaching realm, sea of souls realm, human sovereign realm, earth immortal realm, and the Immortal realm.

let me focus on refilling my Zhen qi I don't know what task is ahead of me tomorrow.

Xiao fan refilled his Zhen qi to the extreme and clear off impurities.

he opened his eye he was greeted by the morning rays that shone to his eye he got off the bed cleaned him self up and sat down browsing through a book on his table not long he heard sound the of a bell

"dang dang dang"!

The bell was used to call all disciple to the gate of the ancient ruin as he heard the bell he immediately stood up like an eagle that was ready to fly he took his steel sword and left his room.

As he reached the front of the ancient ruins disciples are all gathered there he sighted Xiao yan, Xiaomi, Xiao feng, and the rest.

As he walked towards them Xiao feng greeted senior brother fan good morning

"Good morning feng'er"!

" Xiao feng said senior brother fan brother zhan said that among all Xiao family young geniuses he is the best do you agree with him Xiao fan didn't answer so he continued for me I think in our Xiao family among the younger generation compared to brother yan and you he is still lacking.

I think brother zhan, sister mei, sister xuner, brother jing are of the same level.

" Xiao zhan scoffed junior brother feng if you don't know how to talk am going to teach you."

"Xiao feng answered I Xiao feng am not always afraid of anyone."

Xiao zhan voice could be heard again this Senior brother will teach you a lesson someday.

"Xiao feng answered I will always be free to play with you"

"A loud voice was heard are you all ready

the voice belongs to the law enforcement elder".

"yes everyone chorused"!

you all would go and train at the blood isle mountains to prepare yourself for the exams you guys would hunt for demonic beast the outer perimeter is divided into three outer part inner part and core part you are to hunt at the outer perimeter with your cultivation levels if you go to the inner perimeter you would be inviting death but I believe all of you can survive at the inner part of the outer perimeter.

you all will be giving life saving bangle you must not loose it at any cost if you loose it and you are the verge of death no one can save you but if you have it at the verge of death you would be automatically teleported out and if you want to quit you can remove the bangle and break it you will be teleported out.

what you are to do in the blood isle mountains is to kill demonic beast and take their spirit core you will be rewarded according to the rank of the demonic beast with premium points.

Don't harm yourselves if any disciple die or get crippled anyone who is responsible for it will be dealt with severely.

"Is that understood the law enforcement elder asked"

"yes everyone chorused "!

"distribute the bangles he shouted again"

the bangles were distributed after the bangle were distributed the gate to the ancient ruins was opened after the gate was opened a large teleportation formation could be seen a large vortex that was glistening with a purple glow could be sighted.

The law enforcement elder said use the teleportation formation to get inside abide by the rules if you fail to do so severe punishment are awaiting you.

every one entered the teleportation formation and the vortex swallowed hundred people at once the pressure was to hard to bear before twenty breath every one was at the other side of the teleportation formation so many people were found vomiting because of the pressure and speed even Xiao jing, Xiaomi and Xiao feng puked when they made it to the other side.

The blood isle mountains cloud, grass, flowers, and trees were red every thing inside were taint red it like being in a pool of blood no wonder it called the blood isle mountains it truly deserves it reputation.