Demonic beasts mountain

In the blood isle mountain.

"A young teenager was mumbling to himself."

in this blood isle mountain every second is precious to me I have to start hunting so as to get, many premium points I don't know what reward the elders are going to give us but the more beast core i take the more premium points I will get and the young teenager was actually Xiao fan.

"It's time"! I must not waste any more time.

let me roam around the outer perimeter first with that he moved in a second his shadow has disappeared into the horizon.

He arrived at the outer part of the blood isle mountains outer perimeter he spread out his soul out to about 50 meters so he could get a clear view of every thing around him, a elementary stage cultivator soul scanning limit should be 15 meters but those with strong souls could scan about 20 to 25 meters but for Xiao fan his soul power is terrifying, for him to be able to scan up to 50 meters he is indeed a rare genius gifted with extraordinary soul power.

Xiao fan noticed a demonic beast it's a rank 1 demonic beast iron spurl wolf

among rank 1 demonic beast the iron spurl wolf are really tough to deal with Xiao fan use his movement art the shadow traceless steps to get in close contact with the iron spurl wolf before getting near the wolf he brought out his steel sword from it scabbard with his speed he passed the iron spurl wolf but the beast noticed he quickly turned to make a move but it was too slow Xiao fan has thrusted his sword into it heart already but the iron spurl wolf struggled it waved it claws towards Xiao fan, but he didn't understimate the beast he tilted his body in an elegant way avoided the claw and pulled out his sword he use his plum jade sword play fourth movement which specializes in fast movement slashed the beast on it chest leaving a broad mark of about 10 inches deep on the beast it growled painfully and landed heavily on the floor.

The iron spurl wolf is at the peak of round 1 and it could not survive two moves form Xiao fan, a rank 1 and rank 2 demonic beast is equal to a elementary stage realm cultivator, rank 3 and 4 is equal to a soul pound realm cultivator, rank 5 and 6 is equal to true spirit realm cultivator, 7 and 8 is equal to an eternal realm cultivator 9 and 10 is equal to a sea of souls realm cultivator 11 and 12 is equal to a human sovereign realm warrior that how it been classified and among demonic beast they are some who are at the peak of their rank and among those at the peaks of their they are tyrant among them this iron spurl wolf is not a tyrant but nevertheless Its a beast at the peak of rank 1 beast level which is equal to a elementary realm stage 7.

I killed the iron spurl wolf In just two moves the plum jade sword play deserves it name the plum jade sword play is a low rank martial arts manual.

martial arts manuals are divided into different levels

low rank, mid rank, high rank, top rank, supreme rank they are also extreme rank but only cultivators above the earth immortal realm could practice it the traceless shadowless steps are is also a low rank martial arts skill your steps would be elegant and your speed will be improved accompanied with good reflex it a high ranked low rank skill.

Xiao fan sliced the iron spurl wolf took out his beast core and left in a flash he could no longer be found we have only three days to use In this mountains I would kill the high ranked low level beast first to get a good premium point low levels ones are not hard to kill as long I don't run into the tyrant among them or a strong specie beast this mountain would be a walk in a park for me.

let me get into the inner perimeter of the outer part of the blood isle mountain with that he vanished into the horizon he got into the inner perimeters he let out his soul to scan but he couldn't find anything he disappeared away from where he was standing and was moving like a lightning speed he still used his soul power to scan around him so as to be prepared for any surprised attack he let out his soul power to scan yet nothing was found as he was about to leave the area he heard the howl of a beast

"Howl Howl Howl"

he moved to the front a little the beast was getting closer it's a silver eyed wolf among rank 2 demonic beast they are known for their speed and attack prowess but their defense is their flaws the wolf got closer to him 30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters , the wolf sighted him it gave out a terrifying howl.

The wolf leaped up to attack him he swung his claws at him Xiao fan quickly move away the claw was a deadly one if it touched him he would have to stay in bed for at least three months he quickly dodged it the wolf once again swung it other hand claws toward him he moved to the other side, marks could be seen on the tree which the claw landed on the wolf twisted and rolled stylishly raised it front legs up using the down one to support it he attacked with his two claws Xiao fan weaved it effortlessly even with the speed in the beast attacks the attacks are well timed and fast and accurate but Xiao fan could easily dodge it because of his strong soul sense he could easily locate way to move away before danger arrives with his strong soul and the traceless shadowless steps it was so easy to dodge the incoming attacks the silver eyed wolf was frustrated at the way his fast attacks are being dodged easily it furiously dashed towards Xiao fan closed the gap between them and swept it tails towards him Xiao fan jumped upward to dodge the attack the wolf instantly turned and slammed his paws at Xiao fan however Xiao fan took it head on without dodging he took out his steel sword from his

scabbard and collide with the wolf attack using the plum jade sword play fourth movement which was the best for speed attacks he attacked the silver eyed wolf the silver wolf was slammed back to a tree before it could balance itself Xiao fan already slashed the silver eyed wolf violently and at the same time dipped his sword into the silver wolf and digged out it spiritual core also known as beast core the silver eyed wolf died immediately the sword was retrieved from it body the silver eyed wolf is truly fast I could kill it easily because it was frustrated from his attacks not being able to hurt me so it went all out paying no attention to it defense.

"Xiao fan said to himself I have to leave here now the fight might draw many beast here with that he disappeared away far to the horizon."

It was already late at night he stopped by a river bank drank water and plucked a fruit from a large tree upfront he finish the fruit and sat on a large rock he start to regain his Zhen qi after he was done he laid on the rock and dosed off.