hunting the phosphorus hawks

"A figure could be found lying on a large rock he was clad In a blue robe he should be about 12 to 13 years of age and a steel sword could be seen beside him the person is none other than Xiao fan."

Xiao fan opened his eyes he was greeted with pleasant sounds of birds chirping he stood up from the rock jumped into the river which was just about 10 meters far to the rock he jumped into the water and the water splashed he cleaned himself came out of the water he wore his robe back took his steel sword preparing to leave but something cut his sight it was a rank 2 beast one eyed grayed ape the beast also sighted Xiao fan.

The one eye grayed ape are known for their amazing strength and powerful defence while dealing with them you have to be careful the beat locked it eye on Xiao fan and advanced towards him the beast emitted a violent aura from the aura the best emitted Xiao fan concluded that the best must be a tyrant among the rank 2 beasts so it might be difficult to deal with the beast didn't reached Xiao fan before the worth of 5 breathe he smashed it fist at Xiao fan direction Xiao fan who was prepared countered the attack with his sword the energy released from his sword countered the beast attack and beast was thrown backward by the force of the attacks while Xiao fan still stood where he was the beast shooked it body violently and once again attacked Xiao fan the attack this time was more powerful than the first one and Xiao fan was forced to retreat With two steps without any sign of injury.

"he mumbled to himself I used 40 percent of my strength to block the attack and I wasn't injured wow that cool hey stinking ape it time to take my own moves."

The ape also accumulated it qi like it understood what Xiao fan meant Xiao fan jumped up used his fifth movement of his plum jade sword play to attack the ape the ape immediately reacted to it with his fist that caused a gust of fierce wind that attack towards Xiao fan the two attacks collided and the ape was immediately knocked away and crashed into few trees it got up back but it body had so many scratches all over it body the ape dashed towards Xiao fan again this time the ape gave it all as he attacked fiercely with his fist targeted at Xiao fan head if the ape attack should hit him his head would surely be smashed so he dodged using his traceless shadowless steps to get away from the ape attack the ape was shocked with the speed of his attack Xiao fan still managed to get away.

"Xiao fan said to himself if I don't finish this now this fight might attract more one eyed apes if that should happen I would not be able to get away this place might be my grave."

The ape once again swung his fist at Xiao fan this attack is more brutal than the last one Xiao fan manage to dodge it but a large tree which was just 20 meters to where he was unlucky the tree was leveled to the ground Xiao fan was astounded by the ape strength he grunted and said it now or never he used his traceless shadowless steps to get in close contact with the ape and used 80 percent of his energy and the sixth movement of the plum jade sword play to attack the ape the ape didn't expect it at all the ape was smashed onto the rock where Xiao fan slept before the ape was bleeding every where in it body and a sword mark appeared on it chest leaving a bloody sight Xiao fan used his sword to cut open the ape stomach and took out his beast core if I am at the soul pound realm I would be able to take out any beast core without cutting their body.

Xiao fan shook of the blood in his sword put it back in it scabbard and immediately left the area he speed on a straight line like a lightning bolt he stopped and pluck ripped orange from an orange tree he sat on the tree to enjoy his fruit but he heard voice of humans he immediately let out his soul to scan around a cultivator ears and eyes are always sharp he moved for about 200 meters and through his soul sense he could see so many gathered about 40 meters ahead they were all people from the Xiao family he immediately went their to check out what was happening he saw Xiao zhan Xiao yan Xiao mei Xiaomi Xiao jing Xiao ling Xiao feng Xiao xunner and the others. but he saw two figures fighting they were Xiao zhan and Xiao feng they were exchanging moves at a very fast rate they were both sword artists, cloud bellow sword skill Xiao zhan shouted he turned his sword and sidewards and attack Xiao feng in a very violent move Xiao feng blocked the attack with his sword also using his star cloud sword skill to defend against Xiao zhan attack he retreated two steps backwards your star cloud sword skill must have reached the 6th level no wonder you are so arrogant but this elder brother will teach you how to respect elders Xiao feng answered him am not afraid of you bring it on.

Xiao zhan said prepare for it he jumped up used his cloud bellow sword arts to attack once again the attack was so fierce it should be the cloud bellow sword arts 8th movement Xiao feng took the attack head on without dodging he used his star cloud sword skill sixth movement to counter the Xiao zhan attack the moment their moves collided Xiao feng retreated six heavy steps backwards and blood stains could be seen on his robe Xiao zhan only retreated three steps backwards and had a smile on his face junior brother beg this elder brother for mercy and I would let you off Xiao feng chuckled I wonder if we were at the same realm if you would be able to beat me I retreated six steps and you retreated three steps if we are of the same realm you would probably be begging for mercy now Xiao zhan said you little thing I might not be able to cripple you but I can injure you badly he raised his sword using his cloud bellow sword arts 8th movement once again he swung his sword at Xiao feng but suddenly a fist attack that carries a fierce force bumped onto the energy released from Xiao zhan sword Xiao zhan attack was cancelled and he retreated with a step back a figure was seen coming from where the fist attack came from the person was Xiao fan.

Xiao zhan said in a rude tone Xiao fan why don't you stay on the sidelines and watch am disciplining my junior brother.

Xiao fan answered I can't stay in the sidelines he his my brother also I beg you to forgive his rude behaviours.

"Xiao zhan answered I can't let him off this time".

Xiao fan answered and said if you won't let him off today I guess you will have to answer to my sword with that said Xiao fan held the hilt of his sword ready to attack Xiao zhan if he makes a move .

Xiao zhan said so what if you want to protect him he held his sword ready to fight Xiao yan cut in brothers no need to fight Xiao feng is our junior brother so zhan'er just forgive him if you don't agree you would offend me and Xiao fan can you bear the consequences.

Xiao zhan then gave Xiao feng a cold look and said little thing I Will make you pay some other time as he was about to leave Xiao mei said brother zhan wait a second promise us that you won't go after feng'er after he didn't answer Xiaomi also cut in promise us here

Xiao zhan then said In aloud voice I will not go after Xiao feng again as he wasw about to leave Xiao mei said again brothers and sisters you all had brother zhan word if anything should happen to feng'er in this blood isle mountains brother zhan is to be blamed.

"yes everyone chorused".

Xiao yan said everyone return back to your hunting we would be living tomorrow so harvest much cores as you can with that everyone started to dismiss Xiao zhan left Xiao xunner left also Xiao feng thanked Xiao fan Xiao yan Xiao mei Xiaomi Xiao jing and Xiao ling thank you all Xiao ling and Xiao jing answered we didn't help you out no need to thank us just be careful Xiao ling added before they both left the same way Xiaomi and Xiao mei went their ways also Xiao yan also left leaving Xiao feng and Xiao fan alone Xiao fan said be careful of Xiao zhan he might trouble you later Xiao feng answered he wouldn't dare and if he does I will drag him to death with me he continue brother fan am grateful you supported me all the way am grateful.

Xiao fan said to him just be careful with that he disappeared into the horizon.

Xiao fan went south he travelled about 70km to the south and stopped in a ridge when he heard sound of beasts he speed to the direction where he heard the sound when he reached the area where the sound was coming from he opened his mouth wide with what he saw, the ridge was full of rank 1 beasts named the phosphorus hawks the phosphorus hawks are rank I beasts they are not strong at all but they move in groups and if they are too much you can't withstand their mass attack Xiao fan enter the ridge attacking the beasts he killed them swiftly with fast sword moves he use his movement art to move swiftly and his exclusive sword play to send them to hell. the beast attacked him violently and he killed them as they come any time he waved his sword one or two phosphorus hawks must die as lured about 500 hundred phosphorus hawks out of the ridge he lured them to a open area where the massacre begins.