Exiting the blood isle mountains

Xiao fan waved his sword casually and a phosphorus hawks died miserably he jumped in the midst of the phosphorus hawks and started killing them.

He started slashing madly at them any time he swing his sword one or two phosphorus hawks must die he was killing them at a fast pace.he noticed that his sword movement has improved and he felt his body and souls are one with his sword after half an hour all the 500 phosphorus hawks were already dead.

He went back to the ridge and lure more out but this time the number of phosphorus hawks that followed him were times two of the ones that followed him before.

"Xiao said to himself the more the merrier."

he stopped after he got to the place where he killed the 500 phosphorus hawks he lured out he stated his killings the moment he stopped he started swinging his sword violently at them in casual sword moves without any martial arts skill any time he slash his sword or moves one or two phosphorus hawks must die he noticed that his sword movement has been enhanced and his speed has drastically increased he continued his business after about 45 minutes all the phosphorus hawks were dead already.

"He sighed and said to himself this is quite a mess."

He used his sword and started cutting all the phosphorus hawks stomachs first one by one till he finished cutting each of them stomach he started taking out their beast core one by one he finally finish taking out all the phosphorus hawks beast core with the cutting and taking out of the beast cores it took him eight hours when he finished he left the area immediately he head towards the way where the teleportation formation they used to get in was located he move very fast and within 4 hours he was less than a thousand meters to where the teleportation formation was located many disciples were already heading there he stopped on top of a tree and rested to recover his zhen qi after two hours he was already at his peak it didn't take long to recover his zhen qi because he wasn't injured he just refilled it to get back to his peak due to the one wasted from his fight with the phosphorus hawks and the way he moved non stop for four hours with his speed reaching it's limit.

After recovering his Zhen qi he just stayed on the tree and rested till morning from the tree he could see that people have gathered in front of the teleportation formation waiting for it to be activated.

Two hours later the teleportation formation shoned a purple light that could blind anyone in range lightened up the environment.

" it's time to leave"

he stood up from the tree he activated his movement art which is the traceless shadowless steps and in few minutes he was already standing in front of the large teleportation formation he saw Xiao feng Xiao zhan Xiao xunner Xiao yan Xiao mei Xiaomi Xiao jing Xiao ling and other high ranking disciples were already present he carried a rope bag that he made while hunting to carry all the beast cores that he got some took bags before coming to the blood isle mountains but Xiao fan made a rope bag for himself.

Xiao feng came near Xiao fan and whispered to him brother fan I think you harvested a lot the reward waiting for you would definitely not be little he smiled and said feng'er am just blessed to stumble upon some luck.

Xiao feng said brother fan I envy you his eyes were filled with respect and envy.

people has started teleporting out already "Xiao feng said brother fan let go ".

He got into the teleportation Portal and In just Few minutes he was teleported out In front of the ancient ruins.

Soon everyone was teleported out and the teleportation formation closed some senior disciples who were ordered to watch over the teleportation formation told the disciples that were teleported out that everyone of them is summoned at the main martial arts hall so everyone walked towards the main martial arts hall before they reached the main martial hall the family patriarch and law enforcement elder and so many distinguished elders of the family were already awaiting their return.

As soon as everyone entered the hall and settle down the family patriarch voice was heard.

Am happy that nobody went to the blood isle mountains and came back injured and everyone seems to enjoy the adventure you all would be rewarded handsomely.

"The law enforcement elder voice could be heard everyone would be awarded based on your harvest in the blood isle mountains you will be rewarded with premium points the points you get will be decided by the rank and the type of the beast core that you have so the more beast core you have the more premium point you get is that understood

"yes everyone chorused"!

That good now head to the medicinal hall and submit your harvest to get your premium point.

every one turned their back to leave but the law enforcement elder voice was heard again.

I almost forgot after you have gotten admission to the 7 prestigious academies the premium point you get now would be changed to coins for you and the first 10 disciples that get the highest premium point would be allowed to take any low martial arts manual in the martial arts pavilion and the top ten would get a rank two pellet the evil warding portion it would increase your cultivation by one realm and would cleanse your qi so go and submit your harvest don't forget the exam to the academies is just 3 weeks time so prepare yourself.

"yes they all answered".

Everyone took their leave and head to the medicinal hall the workers there would calculate the amount of premium point you would get once they have checked your harvest.

once your harvest have been calculated you would receive a tag with your name and your amount of premium points.

Xiao fan got to the table of the worker attending to him he dropped his rope bag the young man jaw dropped at what he saw the core of a iron spurl wolf, a one eyed gray ape which are strong rank 2 beast and thousands of phosphorus hawks cores he couldn't help but ask did you get this yourself.

Xiao fan answered without any expression "yes I did! so many people has surprised me but you amaze me he quickly calculated the harvest a normal rank beast core is 1000 premium point a strong one is 1500 premium point why a rank 1 beast core is 500 and a strong is 700 premium point all the rank 2 demonic beast that Xiao fan killed are all strong rank 2 beasts and he killed 3 rank 2 beast he got 4500 premium point and for 1500 phosphorus hawks that he killed he got 750000 thousand premium points added with the 4500 premium point he made from the rank 2 beasts the total amount he had a total of seven hundred and fifty four thousand five hundred premium points (754,500).

He got his card and waited for almost 2 hours for every one to get cleared after that the top ten were listed and the amount of premium point they got was also listed Xiao fan, (754,500 premium point)

Xiao yan,(684,800 premium points)

Xiao zhan,(630,129 premium points)

Xiao xunner(610,001 premium points) Xiao mei(600000 premium points)

Xiao feng(598, 583 premium points) Xiaomi(583,220 premium points)

Xiao jing(563,084 premium points)

Xiao ling(563,080 premium points)

Xiao chen(500,000 premium points) the top ten student would get a low level martial arts manual of their choice and a rank 2 pellet the evil warding portion step forward to get the evil warding portion, you can go to the martial arts pavilion any time to get your manual take this tag once you show them this tag you would be allowed to spend time to browse and take any Martial arts manual of your choice.

We are through here everybody can go a bulky looking middle aged man said.

Every body left the medicinal hall he went to his mother study immediately he met his father and mother discussing he greeted with a bow

"Good day"

They both answered him and the first thing his mother said was how did you get seven hundred and fifty four thousand five hundred and fifty four thousand premium points and obtaining the first place

"Xiao fan chuckled and said mom all thanks to you" me his mom asked !

"yes mom you"!

"how fan'er explain to momma"

Mom I cultivated the plum jade sword play you gave me to the sixth level.

wow my son is a gifted genius have always said it the plum jade sword play is hard to learn it elegant moves looks simple and gentle but the power violent and horrifying by the time you comprehend the 10th level your power would be increased drastically.

"A voice was heard it was from Xiao fan father".

fan'er we are proud of you continue and never relent make us make the Xiao family proud.

"father, mother I would always make you proud".

"His father voice was heard again this generation they are all exceptional I think so many of them would achieve great things".

Xiao fan said mother I will come visit again I want to shower, eat, and rest am so tired.

His mother said fan'er go and rest prepare yourself for the entry exam .

"yes mom! with that he exited the room and left for his own room.