Completing the plum jade sword play

Xiao fan got into his room and immediately he got into the bathtub he took a quick bath and got to the dinning room he ate times two of what he always ate since he didn't have any good food in the last few days he used in blood isle mountains he ate to his heart content left the dinning and head to his courtyard he told a servant that no one is allowed to disturb me till the time we would be leaving for the entry exam at the cloud mist mountain where the exam would take place.

After instructing the servant he entered his courtyard and began his training he mumbled to himself I need to increase my skill the exam would take place in two weeks time he began to train his plum jade sword play let me begin with the seventh level he said to himself he brought out his steel sword from his scabbard which brought out a dim light he waved it casually but the force from the sword stirred up dust, he started swinging his sword up, down, left, and right he is performing the basic sword moves he was doing it at a fast rate without using his zhen qi he did this for a whole day and his sword movement is now very fast he rested the whole night because he is exhausted physically the next morning he started his plum jade sword play the seventh level he used his sword to slash casually in the air with fast pace he was infusing the seventh movement of the plum jade sword play as he was swinging his sword violently he was slashing violently and the power the attacks possess are horrifying he swing the sword in the air and a swish sound could be heard he sighed to himself and said have perfected the seventh level of the plum jade sword play he began the eight level of his sword play eight level is easy to learn if you have a high comprehension abilities it would be very easy to learn.

it is a one time attack that carries a fierce force that focuses on the enemies flaws it needs a lot of zhen qi to bring it power to display Xiao fan jumped high swinged his sword to his right hand side which carries a fierce energy and stepped back positioned himself rested his body like a statue and staring straightforward he attacked with his sword which carries a fierce force and fast speed and the sound from the attack resounded in the courtyard he stopped trying to catch his breath he said to himself this eight movement really burn zhen qi fast the attacks focuses on flaws and could also be used for sneak attacks he stopped practicing, he went back into his room and started recovering his exhausted zhen qi he rested the whole night after refilling his zhen qi.

The next morning he got into his courtyard again he started the ninth level of the plum jade sword play he started slashing his sword in the air with sounds that are so loud and aura that is intimidating, he leaped up mid air swinged his sword upward and at the same time thrusted his sword forward and the force that the attack carrries was so fierce and more horrifying than the eight level he stopped after than the eight level he rested for a while and started with the tenth level which is the last level of the plum jade sword play.

he began to practice the tenth level after a short rest he was slashing his sword violently in the air without any target as he was slashing his sword he was infusing the tenth level of the plum jade sword play the plum jade sword play tenth level is not tough to learn infact it's can be said to be the easiest but yet the most horrifying the tenth level is based on all levels it has the functions that every other level of the plum jade sword play has infusing all levels of the plum jade sword play together and you will get the last level the tenth level Is not only horrifying in attacks it can be used to counter, defend and it's fast speed like lightning is also not to be taken lightly. he swung his sword using the tenth movement of his plum jade sword play his sword was covered in a blue light that shines through out the courtyard the moment he used the tenth movement of the plum jade sword play the attack was fast and powerful and compared to the ninth level of the plum jade sword play it was more domineering.

He said to himself the plum jade sword play is finally completed I still have eleven days before the exam let me focus on improving my attacking speed but now let me rest to return to my peak the next morning Xiao fan could be spotted in his courtyard he was swinging and slashing his sword in a violent way without using zhen qi but he was so fast that you could barely see his movement, the first day passed, second day passed and in a blink of an eye it ten days already remaining only one day to the entry exam a figure could be seen with a sword moving very fast like a wind he was fast that you could barely see him move this person is none other than Xiao fan.

His sword movement his amazing the level of fastness that his sword movement attained compared to the blood isle mountains when fighting with the phosphorus hawks has been multiplied more than ten times he displayed every movement of the plum jade sword play one after the other from the first level to the tenth level he displayed them amazingly without no flaws, he said to himself have finally learnt the plum jade sword play completely am ready for the exam.