The cloud mist mountain

Xiao fan entered his room he was so tired he managed to get into the bathtub took a quick bath and got on his bed he slept early to get ready for the journey ahead of him tomorrow all young teenagers in the central plains who has passion for cultivation will try to get into the seven prestigious academies of the central plains.

soon it was morning already he quick get set took his steel sword and left his room and headed to a large field where disciples do duel with themselves.

most disciples participating in the exam are already gathered there already he saw Xiao zhan Xiao yan Xiao mei Xiaomi Xiao feng Xiao xunner Xiao ling Xiao jing Xiao chen he walked towards them and take a place also everybody was waiting for the family patriarch and the elders taking them to the cloud mist mountain where the exam would be held.

After some minutes some figures could be seen walking towards the field they are elders of the family and two figures could be seen at their front everyone who see them would no who they are, it's the family patriarch and the law enforcement elder as soon as they arrived the family patriarch voice was heard everyone go to the eastern gate the iron armored ship that would be taking us is there.

Everyone walked to the eastern gate and were ready to leave.

"The family patriarch said everyone get into the ship and let's go."

The iron armor ship is an artifact used for transporting it an artifact that fly in the air and it very fast and they are different artifact that can fly the battle iron armored ship golden chariots and they have sizes and they work with energy you can transfer zhen qi into the energy box and you can also use soul stones which is the most efficient and easiest when using zhen qi you would get exhausted easily only warriors at the astral reaching realm or above could use their zhen qi for a moving artifact but soul stone has more essential qi and it much more purer, soul The energy in a soul Stone could be absorbed when you absorb the energy from the soul stone there will be a connection built between the soul stone and the person absorbing the energy from the soul stone, if you absorb the energy from the soul stone in return you will get pure zhen qi, soul stone is very important for every cultivator because it will prove their real potential.

cultivator who uses soul stone would cultivate faster than a normal cultivator who absorbs natural qi because the qi from a soul stone is more purer, if a cultivator uses soul stone to cultivate the result is multiple times better than the natural qi.

In few minutes the iron armor ship was filled and ready to leave the iron armor ship is an awesome artifact only prestigious or royal families have it some very rich families also have movement artifact like golden chariots and iron armor battle ships of different categories (big, small, mini, very large, and public,).

Xiao fan has never the drifting cloud city where the Xiao family headquarters is they dominate the city it is one of the largest and popular city in the central plains this is first time leaving home soon the ship has started moving it flew in the air and a loud sound like whistle could be heard as it flew out of the eastern gate of the Xiao family mansion the ship flew across the streets of the drifting cloud city he looked down from the window and the ship was moving very fast with the speed rate of times 5 speed of sound in just 10 minutes they have already travelled far away from the drifting cloud city and before he knew it they have passed the drifting cloud mountains the ship speed increased and this time it increases times 2 of the speed which it was moving that is 10 times speed of sound everything he saw was blur because of the speed at Which the ship was moving was so fast they moved with this speed for about 7 hours and he started seeing different teenager they were so many of them some from rich families some were riding magical spirit beast and some were walking but most disciples and children from rich families were riding magical beast.

magical beast are used for travelling they are always used by cultivators or rich people magical beast are high rank demonic beast when tamed or caught one would use send his soul power into the beast core erase the beast soul power and use your own to replace it, automatically the beast will become your slave and become a magical beast afterwards you will be able to ride and control it but movement artifact is better for transporting because it faster and relaxing and simply the best while travelling they cake across some other iron armor ships "Xiaomi who was sitting in Xiao fan back said those ships should belong to some of the royal families".

After moving for about ten more minutes they came to an open space and a city could be seen before getting to the city you will see the guards on the city wall they were all In the same uniform and they possess an oppressive aura every one who get to the city gate on a magical beast would identify themselves first or they would have to walk in because people walking are not asked to identify themselves.

As the ship flew towards the city gate an elder of the Xiao family in the ship went out to the deck and showed the guards a Xiao family token from afar the leader of the guards immediately recognized the token and bowed lightly the ship didn't reduce it speed at all it zoomed into the city.

A man who was walking looked up when he heard loudsound that sound like a fast whistle Is that not an artifact

another man answered yes it is but only the 12 royal families of the central plains or rich families could afford it and with the way the ship moved without slowing down at all, in the drifting cloud city who dares do that if not one of the 12 royal families or a super family that is extremely rich and powerful.

within minutes the ship have reached the cloud mist mountain already everyone alighted From the ship Xiao fan said in his mind finally left home.

The Xiao family already arranged a space on the mountain all the Xiao families disciples settled in their tent and rested, the cloud mist mountain is not far from the mystic mist academy they are the one controlling the cloud mist mountains and the cloud mist city they use it for events.

The family patriarch advice everyone go and rest and prepare for the exam it will begin very early tomorrow morning.