father and mother gift

Xiao fan was in a deep thoughts thinking about which academy he was going to be admitted to and was also thinking about all what his father told them while addressing them. regardless of the academy I go to I will be meeting so many strong warrior's and geniuses I must never slack if I want to be one of the strongest also, I will tread the road of the strongest I will climb up and stay among the successful ones and to that my sword must not get dull.

He was drown in his own thought when he heard a knock from his door "he said lightly come in" a young teenager entered the room he was clad in white and his aura was impressive which made him look graceful he was none other than Xiao feng. as Xiao feng entered, Xiao fan asked him feng'er any problem, he said no, but bro Xiao fan names of people admitted have been released in the cloud mist mountain bro Xiao yan and the rest are waiting for us in bro Xiao yan courtyard. Xiao fan said in that case let start going he followed Xiao feng and when they got to Xiao yan courtyard it was so full, everyone who participated in the exam were there as soon as he got to the he cupped his fist and said am sorry everyone for delaying you all.

"Xiao yan answered it nothing we haven't be waiting for long".

"Xiao mei said since everyone is here let leave immediately."

On the cloud mist mountain so many people could be seen some with happy expression some were chatting in groups why some had gloomy expression Xiao fan and his people all walked to where names are being pasted they were seven different big boards and each of them has an indication on it the boards have big words written at the top of each of them which are misty mist, jiagnan, holy sword,sky cloud, purple sun, sky fall and emerald martial palace. so every would check the boards one by one any where your name falls is the school you are admitted to and if you can't find your name you have to accept your fate and try the exam the following year. Xiao fan went to the board nearest to him which was the one that jiagnan was written on he checked his name,but his name was not on the five batches he checked purple sun, his name was not there also, he proceeded to the board with holy sword, his name wasn't there also he went to the next one mystic mist he swept his gaze on the list before seeing his name on the first batch of the list he also saw Xiao feng name following his name he smiled and said mother would be happy she has always want me to go the mystic mist academy.

After checking his name he went to look for the rest he saw Xiao zhan and the rest and ask them how did it go.

Xiao zhan was the first to answer me and luo would be going to the holy sword academy,Xiao yan said me and xunner are admitted to jiagnan academy. Xiao mi said me and sister mei are admitted to sky fall academy, Xiao ling said me Jing and chen are admitted to sky cloud martial school.

"Xiao yan" said that good brother ling, brother Jing and brother chen are in the same school you can watch out for one another.

Xiao feng said me and bro Xiao fan and 20 more of our brothers are also In the same academy with us.

Xiao chen said feng'er bai Shan also got admitted In the mystic mist academy be careful of him he might come looking for trouble.


Xiao feng said in a cold tone if he should come I will show him what I am made of .

"Xiao yan said just be careful and don't look for trouble around."

"Xiao fan said he can't do that when we are in the same academy."

Xiao xunner said everyone let go back to the city the patriarch must be waiting.

In a large hall the family patriarch was beaming with smiles he said everyone who participated in this exam all got admitted Into one an academy am so proud of you all this is just the beginning when you get to your schools don't disappoint me .

"everyone chorused we will never disappoint you."

"everyone go and pack we shall leave very early tomorrow." an elder entered the hall he is elder guang one of the welfare elders he is at the late sea of souls realm he cupped his fist and said patriarch you called for me.

"elder guang", quickly travel back to the million blade mountain and tell everyone in the family about the good news take the iron wings vulture, it would make you travel faster.

"yeah elder guang left immediately."

"everyone go and rest."

The next day before evening everyone has gotten back to the million blade mountain were the Xiao family is located everyone of the Xiao family stay on the million blade mountain why guest warrior and some outer clan warrior stay at the million blade city.

As soon as the family patriarch and the law enforcement elder got down from the iron armored ship. many elders and reputable people from the family greeted the family patriarch.

"congratulations" elder guang told us everyone who participated in the exam got admitted to an academy.


The family patriarch laughed and said yes that true they all got admitted we came back early so each of them would prepare to leave for their schools the law enforcement elder voice could be heard everyone go and rest.

"yes sir everyone chorused."

Xiao fan greeted his mother before heading to his room.

After five days he has packed all what he needed and was ready to leave.

he met Xiao fan on his way, brother fan everyone has left already sister mei and sister mi left yesterday with brother Jing, brother ling and chen'er, Xiao zhan and Xiao luo left two days ago Since the holy sword academy is very far from here.

brother Xiao yan and sister xunner also left very early this morning.

let get on the road also but let me see my mom and dad first.

kk no problem the family gave all of us the azure dragon horse to make our journey fast, there is twentysix thousand miles from the million blade mountain to the mystic mist mountain and the azure dragon horse provided for us could run four thousand four hundred miles a day which would take us about six days to get there.

" Xiao fan said I won't waste time let me quickly say farewell to them."

"Xiao feng said ok in that case I would be waiting for you at the west gate."

Xiao fan got to his father hall and cupped his fist and said father, mother I would be leaving till the end of the year his mother stood up from her chair and said fan'er you must be brave never let anyone bully there is no how you can escape from that and to curb that you need to get stronger never side with the bad and always stay on the righteous path and never slack off from hard work make momma proud.

"yes mom I will take heed to your lessons and make you proud."

she said let me give you somethings, before you leave she brought out a low rank storage ring from the top rank storage ring that she was wearing and gave it to Xiao fan,she told him to put his soul mark into the storage ring.

By putting your soul power into a storage ring would make the storage ring become your own permanently, after putting his soul power inside the storage ring he could see inside of the storage ring the space inside was as wide and big as a room but what he saw in the ring shocked him, they are two martial arts manuals and a bag full of coins and a little chest box full of low rank soul stones. he immediately cupped his fist father, mother am very grateful, his mother said we are your parent since we want the best for you we would give you anything moreover I didn't do much I only give you two high rank mortal realm manuals but the coins and soul stones were the reward of your training at the blood isle mountain you got 754, 000 thousand premium points after sharing it you got 377,000 coins and 377,000 low rank soul stones you can't use the soul stones until you reach the soul pound realm but the coins can be used to buy pellet and medicinal plants.

The family patriarch also stood up from his chair and said fan'er take this sword he brought out a shining silver sword from his storage ring and said fan'er this is a low rank treasure this sword is called evil warding have kept this sword for you for years. this all we can do for you all depend on you just stay safe.

Xiao fan collected the sword from his father the sword looks great and it lighter and shaper than the steel sword he was using before,on the scabbard and hilt of the sword evil warding was written on them, he quickly make a soul mark on it and remove the steel sword tied in his back and replaced it with his new evil warding sword.

"father, mother am very grateful I will never disappoint you, I will make sure I make you proud.

His father said fan'er said start going your journey is still long.

"he cupped his fist and said father mother farewell."

he got to the west gate where Xiao feng and the remaining 20 disciples of the Xiao family that were admitted to the mystic mist academy were waiting for him am sorry for keeping you guys waiting he mounted the azure dragon horse reserved for him and said let's go shall we with that they rode out of the Xiao family mansion and began their journey.