mystic mist academy

After leaving the million blade mountain Xiao fan, Xiao feng and the remaining 20 disciples were all moving at a lightning speed, their journey was so smooth without any problem, they reached the mystic city very late on the fifth day.

The mystic city is a city close to the mystic mist academy, once one reach the mystic city you are already at the mystic mist academy just only a distance of one thousand two fifty miles.

After arriving at the mystic city Xiao fan and the rest stayed in a random hotel to eat dinner and pass the night.

The next morning everyone has gotten ready they left for the mystic mist academy the mystic mist academy is worthy of it's reputation as one of the 7 prestigious academy they are numerous mountains and lakes in his sights just by glancing at the mountain you could feel majestic aura emitting from the mountain.

what surprised Xiao fan was most within a radius of thousands miles the mountains and hills reached all the way to the sky.

Some of these mountains were lofty and majestic, some were covered in verdant and some in thin fogs, some were shaped like gigantic magnificent dragon and some looked like crouched tigers.

In the middle of this area, tens of steep mountains together turned into a valley that was of a verdurous colours.

looking into the one could see hundreds of different sized buildings lakes and buildings standing orderly, around those lakes the inner scenery and outer environment of the valley served as foils to each other, shaped into a quite special formation.

The entrances to the mystic mist academy are flat area with hundreds of zhang in radius the walk way could fit in several horses to pass through at a time.

A loud voice brought him back from his thoughts all new student form a line and stay orderly the person whom his voice was heard is an attending disciple and he has the cultivation base of a mid soul pound realm warrior, although it nothing in the Xiao family also for a common attending disciple to have a cultivation base of mid soul pound realm most attending disciples of the Xiao family have so many true spirit realm warrior as attending disciples but most of them are working in the family to earn a living.

But he was amazed when he saw attending disciple with the cultivation base of a soul pound realm he was thinking about the top inner disciples and the core disciples, soon he cleared the thought of his head and mumbled to himself these are not matters that I have to think of as for now.

A elderly figure stood in front of everyone and said, "everyone my name is elder park jun am one of the elders in charge of the new student you all will get to know me well when you are already settled in the school, all of you should head to student affairs to get some of the things you would need and from there you will get to no the quarters you would be staying.

"Everyone follow my lead the attending disciple voice was heard again."

After taking so many turns they got to a big building that has two floors,student affairs was written boldly at the top of the building.

Everyone got into the building, a middle aged woman said everyone check out those bags and take a uniform that fits you two for each person don't fight for it they are so many and don't make noise defaulters will be punished.

"yeah", with that everyone started to search for their size after about thirty minutes Xiao fan found two cloth which he thought to himself that they would suit him perfectly.

The mystic mist disciples outfit is colour blue, after getting his own outfit he went to the counter to check for where his quarters is located, after checking his name they told him where his quarters is located and the description to get there and he got a small booklet which contains the school rules after he waited for Xiao feng after Xiao feng finished his own business they told the remaining 20 disciples who came with them to find their various quarters after they both left.

when Xiao fan got to the way that lead to his quarters, after walking a little he got to a courtyard that has a small lake and a little garden he saw his name pasted at the front of the door to the quarters he tore the paper off his door dropped his loads the room is not as big as the room in his home but it conducive to stay he started cleaning the quarters before evening he has finished he prepared a little thing to eat for dinner, took his bath and slept for the day.

Xiao fan woke up very early the next morning he got dressed into his new uniform he look so smart In it he brought a small mirror from his bag he packed his hair neatly and checked himself In his mirror and he was satisfied.

soon a bell sound was heard he got out from his room and walked towards the direction the bell came from he so many students on a big field and everyone of them were all new student he spotted Xiao feng he walked up to him and they both stood together soon the leader of the mystic mist academy came with some group of elders behind him he stood at the front to address all new students.

"Good day everyone" I am the leader of the mystic mist academy zhang dinnguo.

I am so happy to see you all becoming one of this great academy, now all of you here are all outer disciples I no that very soon all of you would become an inner disciple and I strongly believe that among you all that are here some will become one of the top figures In this school someday and bring this great academy to a higher level.

Everyone of you will be handed a token that would show that you are a student of this academy, everyone of you was giving a booklet containing the rules and regulations of this academy, rules are to be followed any one who break the rules would be punished severely regardless of their background is that clear.

"yes sir everyone chorused."

You all are now all bonafide student of this great academy we won't tell you everything since you will get to know them among the older outer court disciples and I want you all to bear this in mind power rules everything you can get bullied but with sufficient strength no one will dare to bully or look down on you is that understood.

"yes sir everyone chorused."

"you all can return to your various businesses."