cloud freedom sword art and golden swallow art

Xiao feng got back to his court yard after zhang dingguo, the headmaster of mystic mist academy addressed all the new student.

"After resting for an hour he was thinking deeply about what his father and mother told him, which was something that the headmaster also mentioned in his speech".

"His father told him, to become a man who can stay at the pinnacle of the world one must have sufficient strength they are so many geniuses in the jianghu(martial arts world)".

"He thought deeply to himself if my father can be the patriarch of the great Xiao family and my mother also not far off from him, it must be because they had sufficient strength, although I don't know the realm they have attained but they are definitely at the life and death realm or above, and I will definitely surpass them someday."

He checked the ring that his mother gave to him to check out the martial art manuals in it, "he took out two high mortal realm manuals the first one is a manual that contains a sword art and the other one contains a movement art".

"The sword art is named cloud freedom sword art and the movement art named Golden swallow art, the cloud freedom art has ten levels he read the description carefully the sword art is very deep and domineering it requires a high level of comprehension to understand it because it is a sword art that can stand at the very top among high rank mortal realm sword techniques it has deep basics on sword skills that can help who ever practices it to gain high attainment in the art of sword, it is also rumored that it was an elder in the xiao family that has reached a very profound level in sword arts that created the sword art and only few people were properly able to bring out the power of the cloud freedom sword art, it was said that among the few people who did, two fellows comprehended sword intent from it, and the high ranked mortal realm level of this sword technique with xiao fan is not the complete one, it has a top rank mortal realm level which is the complete one but it was shared into two because it is very hard to comprehend".

"The moves are very swift and unrestrained whenever executed, it burst out with full power which makes an opponent apprehensive of it, with it being unrestrained it comes with a horrifying level of power coupled with skill and that gives a edge to the user".

No wonder father gave me a low rank sword, ordinary steel swords won't be able to bear the power of the moves contained in the manual only low rank swords can bring out the power to the extreme. "xiao fan thought to himself as he waves his sword trying to learn the first move of the cloud freedom sword art" he noticed that the more he try to comprehend the first move his skill got better and his speed and swiftness seems more sharp compared to before, after an hour he was already comprehending the second level sparks and sword light filled the courtyard as xiao fan immerse himself in his training. xiao fan rested a bit, slashed his sword in an empty space and a whoosh sound was heard, a very fast sword light was seen it was so fast that within the blink of an eye the distance it travelled was astonishing and the space where the light stopped, a low sound was heard and the empty area almost seems like it wanted to be torn into two and little sword qi lingered there, even xiao fan was surprised.

"This cloud freedom art isn't simple this move I displayed is only the first move and it is more powerful than the eight level of the plum jade sword play the second level I already comprehended should be powerful than the tenth level of my plum jade sword play, let's see how powerful the third move can be".

xiao fan started practicing the third move the third move needs to be displayed with more speed and swiftness than the previous moves to make the power in the third level more efficient the third level is even more domineering with a sweep of his sword cold aura rose from his sword blending with the attack, the area the attack was concentrated was filled with sparks and sword marks could be seen there. "what amazed xiao fan was the aura from the attack snapped a log of wood laying at a corner of the courtyard he couldn't help but shout amazing thrice".

"The move far surpassed his plum jade sword play tenth level by far"

He also brought out the golden swallow art, the movement art was top notch among high rank mortal realm, it can also compare with some high top rank mortal realm level movement skill, it contains only three level the first level gives astonishing speed and makes one as light as a flower, the second level also contains speed but with more agility and flexibility to move around without disrupting the flow in ones speed, but the third level is the real deal it is very hard to learn.

" The third level adds about 30 percent of the first and second level speed combined together and it gives another terrifying ability, which is to cover tracks and hide aura the swallow from the name in the manual can be said to be defined in the third level".

"In two hours xiao fan had comprehended the first two levels of the golden swallow art, if people should know about this he would definitely be called a monster comprehending three level from a top high rank mortal realm sword art and learning two levels from a high rank mortal realm movement art in less than a day could be described as monstrosity for a Child that is just fourteen years old."

"Although it has something to do with his powerful soul that grant him a heaven defying comprehension talent".

" His father and mother knew about his talent that was why they weren't worried about giving him the cloud freedom sword art that only few people could comprehend they believe with his talent if he doesn't face any mishap he would sit at the pinnacle of great warriors in years to come."

After learning the second level of the golden swallow art, xiao fan couldn't advance anymore he had reach a bottleneck even if he wants to he had already exhausted all the energy in him even his mental strength was draining, a high level mortal realm isn't something simple to learn he had to call it a day, he dragged himself to bed sat cross legged to restore his energy he laid on his bed and slept off.