sky blade ridge

"Xiao fan woke up very early the next morning"... he previously heard from students who have been in the school for quite some time talking about different places, that are dangerous close to the school, "it was even rumored that some students use to go there to hone their cultivation", of course that's if you have the skill required to survive, if you don't have enough strength you will only be toying with death.

"It is said that they are various dangerous sites that outer court student can try to explore, although not everyone dares to do that but there's a saying no matter how hard a nut is some people are willing to crack it". Therefore some people try going there to find opportunities, "in the forest or dangerous sites they are always various spirit plants and other opportunities that is if one are fated with them."

Xiao fan choose to train at the sky blade ridge, it is said that demonic beast are very rampant there, people below the 7th grade of the elementary stage realm won't be able to avoid danger at the outer part of the place.

Xiao fan takes his sword and prepared the few things he needed before setting out, his father told him before leaving the clan that most geniuses were too protected and did not go through life and death, or too much bloody battles that is why they only have powerful techniques without proper battle experience.

He wants to hone his skill through out his time thoughts were flashing through his mind as he runs through the mountains along his way he grabbed a huge stone that weighs more than 5,000 pounds he lift it high up and began running crazily through the routes that leads to the sky blade ridge, originally a cultivator at the elementary stage 9 like Xiao fan shouldn't be able to run with a stone that weighs that much, because a warrior at the elementary stage 10 physical body strength should be equivalent to ten thousand pounds, a stage 9 warrior physical strength should be about seven to right thousand so carrying a stone that weighs more than 5,000 pounds, only geniuses like Xiao fan who is blessed with great physical strength can do that.

"Xiao fan got to sky blade ridge he does not dare to continue running he drops the heavy stone and entered the sky blade ridge outer part he felt his muscle stretched and he feels like his physical strength increased by a few hundred pounds".

He walks into the sky blade ridge cautiously with his evil warding sword hunged to his waist, he could only train in the outermost layer of the outer part as he is not yet familiar with the path, he walked for over an hour without encountering any danger he couldn't let his guard down, the sky blade ridge is very dangerous they are sloppy hills some huge mountains with dangerous terrains even some thick forest are surrounding it.

Xiao feng spotted a plant he knew from reading the "Tome of heaven", it was the heart seed grass.

The "Tome of heaven" is a classical information of everything in the world it contains almost the mystery of life not of course everything, but it's well known that most description of things are gotten from the tome of heaven the tome of heaven records too much information you can never read it finish or digest everything the information are too large that you will lost interest reading .

Xiao fan immediately grabbed the heart seed grass and kept them in his ring, he walked some few thousand meters before encountering a double headed scarlet python, the double headed scarlet python are ferocious and they stay in a place well hidden to be precise,they live underground.

The python sighted him from it hidden spot, it immediately attacked Xiao fan with fast speed it wanted to bite Xiao fan, although Xiao fan was surprised he managed to dodge the snake attack, the snake saw that it first attack was dodged it immediately twisted again and launch another strike wanting to bite at Xiao fan head, however this time Xiao fan didn't dodge it instead, he leapt back circulate his zhen qi and attacked with his roaring tiger fist second move the snake was beaten back, the snake let out a loud hiss and spat out some poisonous liquid from it's mouth Xiao fan knows he can't be rash with poison he dodged using his shadowless traceless step he dodged the liquids easily, but Xiao fan was shocked the grasses that the snake poison touched all started to wither.

The snake continue to spit out poison Xiao fan dodged and used the plum jade sword play eight move to attack the python, the double headed scarlet python was also fast as it dodged Xiao fan attack and striked out with it tail, Xiao fan dodged the python barely using his golden swallow movement art, the attack from the python smashed a tree into two, the golden swallow movement art indeed lived up to it's name, the snake was not able to touch Xiao fan he used his evil warding sword to strike the snake upward causing the snake to retreat in panic because Xiao fan used the plum jade sword play tenth move which unleashed an extremely powerful attack towards the snake, the snake retreat route was locked with the traceless shadowless step final move displayed, Xiao fan waved both of his fist to attack the snake, his fist carries an astonishing power of ten thousand pounds coupled with the roaring tiger fist third move the snake was sent flying as it crashed into a mountain causing dust to fly around, sounds of bone breaking could be heard, as the dust clears off Xiao fan saw the snake running but it speed have reduced greatly it was escaping with his life barely hanging on the line.

Humph! Xiao fan sneered, he pushed his speed to his limits and chased behind the snake in few breaths he caught up with it and used the third move of the roaring tiger fist again the python was sent flying tens of meters as it breathe no more the injury it received was too fatal, how could it survive an attack weighing ten thousand pounds when used with the roaring tiger fist.

Xiao fan brought a dagger from his ring and cut through the snake bringing out it best core, Xiao fan immediately grabbed the snake dead body kept it in his ring and left the area and head deeper, that battle just now might have drawn attention of some powerful beast.