Slaying a rank 2 wind leopard

Xiao fan left the area quickly as he run through the sloppy terrains with fast speed he ran continuously for about two hours changing direction sounds of beast could be heard roaring constantly, he rested under a tree, he brought woods together and started a fire, he took out the double headed scarlet python body, cut through it with sharp knives washed it clean and started roasting it, few minutes later the delicious aroma of snake meat wafted out in the forest.

The night wasn't peaceful as ferocious demonic beast roars were heard constantly, Xiao fan was staying alert he didn't sleep with all concentration in a place like this, one might not even know how they will die if they are not careful, deep in the night a cold eye was looking at Xiao fan a creature was slightly approaching Xiao fan stealthily, Xiao fan noticed a cold aura eneveloping him with his powerful soul how could he not notice the demonic beast that's nearby, the demonic beast got close to him and wanted to bite at Xiao fan head, Xiao fan punched out with his fist, the punch hit the beast and it was sent flying forty meters, but it only suffered light injury, although the punch was hurriedly performed, still it showed how powerful the defence of the beast is.

When Xiao fan clearly saw the demonic beast real appearance it was a wind leopard, a rank 2 beast that are known as a tyrant among overlord rank 2 demonic beast their attack power is terrifying they also have sturdy defence their speed is their most powerful ability, the wind leopard looked at Xiao fan coldly as it leapt and waved it's claw at Xiao fan dodged the wind leopard attack he attacked the wind leopard with the third move of the roaring tiger fist third move, the wind leopard dodged it swiftly, and puts small distance margin between itself and Xiao fan, Xiao fan wanted to engage the wind leopard in a close combat fight as a sword artist he also wants his physical body to be strong so without his sword he can still fight his enemies with his powerful body.

The leopard run towards Xiao fan raising it paws high up and slapped down at Xiao fan this was definitely a terrifying attack, Xiao fan roared and punched out with his fist pushing his roaring tiger fist third move to the extreme, the wind leopard was beaten back for more than 20 meters he immediately followed suit punching out again but the leopard was well prepared and dodged, with its fast speed the wind leopard dodged the attack easily and bite at Xiao fan with it's teeth, even Xiao fan was shocked he retreated but the wind leopard didn't give him space as it lock on Xiao fan raining down attacks on him, Xiao fan quickly used the second move on his golden swallow movement art to increase his speed, only after doing that was he able to keep up with the wind leopard, he closed the gap between himself and the wind leopard and waved his two fist at the leopard with all his physical strength using the third move of the roaring tiger fist the attack was well timed and very fast the wind tiger couldn't dodge and was sent flying tens of meters sustaining serious injury as it spat out large amount of blood.

He was quite satisfied with the results using his pure physical strength to fight a wind leopard for a long time, a loud roar was heard the wind leopard raged as he attacked Xiao fan with fast speed, the wind leopard increased it speed as it attacks Xiao fan, Xiao fan quickly take out his sword and collide with the wind leopard he waved his sword at a very fast rate that disrupted the wind leopard attack speed, Xiao fan always had advantage on his attack speed Xiao fan used his ninth and tenth move of the plum jade sword play respectively to launch attack on the wind leopard, the wind leopard had to retreat passively to avoid been injured by the sword, Xiao fan followed the wind leopard swiftly using the tenth move of the plum jade sword play to attack it, the wind leopard had to meet the attack head on the leopard was sent flying with blood on its body, Xiao fan was not one to let go of his opponent after gaining upper hand he immediately used his first move of the cloud freedom sword art to attack the wind leopard the wind leopard couldn't bear the attack and was sent flying, before it could rest Xiao fan attack came again, this time it was the second move of the cloud freedom sword art the wind leopard body was left with a bloody hole with blood pouring heavily, it could not surely survive the attack, the powerful wind leopard died under Xiao fan sword, Xiao fan dugged out its beast core, kept its body and left the area as it was almost morning although danger is lesser in daytime than night, Xiao fan had to leave this place before a more powerful beast appear, he ran through the forest and mountains nimbly like a mouse. He picked some precious plant along his way that is the advantage of going to dangerous places they are always various spirit plants, grasses and opportunities.he picked some precious grass like the dragon healing grass and ice gleam spirit plants that are very cost out there in the market, "hahahaha" nature is really really nice it's all free he picked various spirit plants and grasses he saw, all this while he has entered the inner part of the sky blade ridge he continue to explored the inner part of the sky blade ridge he could only possibly explore the outer part since he still cherish his life.